Runs debian unstable. Shuts down his machine every year or so.

[-] 15 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

You explicitly mentioned the Sentinelese. Exactly how would you go about this infrequent contact and observation with them?

In any case, let's assume that hunting is exclusively performed by males in all of those peoples. How much would that change the statistic and the overall conclusion? 79% would be 72%

You think they should have surveyed the uncontacted people?

Have they?

"In this case, their very specific prediction was that warming of between 1.5°C and 4.5°C would accompany a doubling of atmospheric CO₂"

Isn't the problem more that people have been reading that and assuming that it means 3°, not 'possibly 4.5°' ?

That said, the study there seems to assume that the effects are roughly linear, ie. that there are no tipping points.

What efficient means: switching from ecologically expensive foods like beef to lower impact vegetarian diets.

What efficient does not mean: using vast quantities of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides.

On Armistice Day, EDL protesters marched towards the Cenotaph (without permission) and launched fireworks that were intended to hit people and did strike policemen in the face. Let's see if they get 5 years.

None of what you said makes me think the situation would be worse than having Putin in charge. It's a stretch to say Putin came from the civil sphere, and he assassinates his enemies in foreign countries using nerve agents and throws people out of windows at home.

But it doesn't say "milk" or "ice cream", does it? He's actually upset because he saw "Haagen Dasz", and he thinks that that must contain dairy- he even said as much. Faux outrage designed to serve his political ends.

So he was trying to work the flashlight when he accidentally pulled the trigger. Is there no safety on these guns, or did he disengage that when he was trying to use his radio?

The rule of law must be upheld, sure, but which law are the protesters supposed to be breaking?

CDs are digital files plus ownership.

Very often it's not exactly the same criticism, and is just deflection - they are hoping to start arguing about whether the accuser's actions are equivalent, rather than whether their actions are objectively bad.

For example: A accuses B of allowing poor people to starve to death and B replies that if A cares so much about poor people, why does he want to put taxes up?

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