
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] 1 points 1 hour ago (2 children)

I’m almost 40, only speak English, only have my bachelors. :(

[–] 1 points 1 hour ago

the latter sounds just lovely.

[–] 3 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

I dont have any qualifications to teach.

[–] 5 points 2 hours ago

It's only halfway paid off but it worth more than I paid so I'm keeping it. A uhaul is probably in the cards anyway.

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

Already in discussion but not really progressing.

[–] 2 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

Oh god I miss pet therapy. My cat died last year. A snuggly little manx named Ada Lovelace. I still miss her terribly. I dont have any downtime or spare money right now and I don't see that changing. A lot needs to go well in my life for me to be able to pull off this self-rescue, and I'm still in the planning stages but I appreciate the offer.

[–] 6 points 3 hours ago (2 children)

I drive a chevy bolt EV. While it has fast charge capability, it's still a cheap EV and that fast charge still takes about an hour. Going through hostile territory isnt likely safe in my little hippymobile since I will be vulnerable at charging stations. I'll probably have to rent a uhaul and tow it, making this trip more expensive.

[–] 2 points 3 hours ago

My fear is that will take more time than I have.

[–] 3 points 3 hours ago

The costs are higher but so is the average pay so it's bad but not as bad as it seems. As for Ohio, this state is heavily gerrymandered and has been for years. The republicans regularly ignore the courts and their constituents. There is no accountability here.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago (4 children)

That's the problem. We can all see whats coming, but it's happening so fast that it will be too late. If I put in for asylum, I'll be dead in the oven before anyone can even process the paperwork. If I just cross the border and try to wait things out there, I'll have no way to feed or house myself, I'll have no access to medications. And if things go really bad and this spreads to canada, they may just send be back to the US and I'll end up in an oven anyway.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

Is there a way I as an american can delete all my posts from my banned accounts?

[–] 15 points 3 hours ago (5 children)

There isn't a non-violent solution to fascism. I am one unarmed man in Ohio. I can't do anything about the nazis. I voted against them. I've signed petitions. I've done all the things a functioning society has available but they don't work when your opponent isn't playing the same game by the same rules. Unless these guys start dropping like flies things wont change. This thing has its own momentum now. I don't have the ability to change that.


I'm looking over my options in fleeing for safety as things get worse down here. I am considering joining friends in Oregon but that might not safe enough. I'm gay, atheist, have a college degree (not in anything useful, however), and am everything the nazi's down here hate.

I need to get out.

I know you guys are justifiably pissed at us Americans right now, but if I were to try and move to Canada (and I have no idea how I could possibly do such a thing in time) would I be welcomed there? Would I be safe? Or would I be seen as an aggressor or threat of some sort?

I need to get out of here but if it means going somewhere everyone will hate me I might not be any better off.


I’m considering fleeing my red state and moving to Oregon. But I noticed you guys don’t have a single microcenter anywhere! Where do the makers all go for filament, resin, ram, diodes, etc? I read you guys used to have fry’s but that went under. Did nothing take its place?

I’d like to be able to bring my hobby with me. Where do the DIY nerds shop?


a bit over a year ago, I went through debt consolidation. I signed up with a company that offers me a monthly payment to kill my credit cards and provide me legal representation should I need it. It's been about a year since and they have only shut down some of them. There are 1 or 2 still left open.

I was told not to make any payments on the cards. Let them complain and threaten with collections. This will let the debt consolidators buy the debt for cheap if the credit card companies refuse to close the cards. They have been tanking my credit for months and they aren't closing my cards.

Now I'm in a bad place financially. I lost the job I had at the time I went into consolidation and the current one isn't paying as much. I'm not missing any payments but it's trapping me.

I may need to leave my state for some place safer soon. But I have such a poor credit score now that I cant imagine anyone renting to me now.

Debt consolidation feels like it was a scam.

Should I declare bankruptcy and start over?


I don’t know why I’m posting this. Maybe I’m hoping for some epiphany or for someone to point to a way out I’ve missed though I’m certain that’s not going to happen. 

I’m watching the Nazis rise again in my country. I never supported them. Not now, not in earlier incarnations that lead to this. They rose anyway. 

I got out of homelessness. I got a college education, though admittedly not in anything useful. I’ve never committed a crime aside from speeding. I’ve always played by the rules, even when they were unfair to me. I believed we had to cooperate with eachother, debate, struggle along to arrive at something more honest, a compromise that would better serve more people in the long run. But that only works if both sides are playing the same game by the same rules. The Nazis aren’t. I bettered myself as best I could. They didn’t. And they are winning.

I know what’s coming next.  I understand that great violence is coming. I fear I will not survive. I fear my friends will not survive. My siblings and nieces and nephews will not survive, or worse, the young will grow up in such chaos that it becomes normal to them to operate that way. That safety and respect become nothing more than stories from a primitive culture that existed long ago.

I’m gay. Im liberal. I’m an atheist. I’m outspoken. I’m poor. I’m honest. These are traits that are not desirable in the new country forming around me and they will be punished. 

I’m not changing myself to make Nazis comfortable. They are just going to have to kill me. And they will. 

Recently a friend was concerned about me and invited me out with others. We were out at a gay bar. A petition was going around gathering signatures to fight Ohio’s plans to reinstate a ban on gay marriage. They won’t stop there. I know they want us removed. And they have many ways of erasing me quite effectively. It ruined the evening seeing another loosing game being played. Ohio didn’t listen to its voters before, and America sure as hell won’t let them start now. I’m watching these people play the game as if they are setting things up for a victory tomorrow. People are already being disappeared. These people won’t be around to fight this tomorrow.

I signed the petition anyway. I might be wrong. Maybe this little bit will help if I am wrong. But I also felt that by increasing my visibility even this much, I’m increasing my risk. It is foolish to expect my state or country to handle opposition respectfully. But compliance with the regime just makes it more difficult for those strong and brave enough to fight back so on behalf of them, I signed my death certificate. I won’t likely win, but I won’t make it easy for them to silence me either. 

When I lost my last job I lost health care and lost my psych meds and treatment. I went through withdrawal while working a retail job that wasn’t actually paying the bills but I had to keep trying. Now I have a better job and health coverage again but I cannot afford to go back on medication. RFK has already stated what he plans to do to people receiving psych medications. If he simply takes those meds away, I’ll go through withdrawal again and will likely lost my job as I’ll be unable to function while my neurochemistry readjusts. I literally can’t take the risk to better myself. My family and friends have noticed. They are worried. I can’t even see a therapist because I can’t afford one. Besides, the Trump regime has expressed opinions on enslaving people for that too. 

I got a small windfall from this years tax return. I spent it all immediately on little tech project distractions for myself. I use them as puzzles to put my focus into. I dare not hold onto enough money to buy a gun while in this state. 

I cannot survive like this much longer. If my country doesn’t kill me, I might do it myself just to get away. 

I can’t afford to immigrate to another country. I have no money. I have no unique and in-demand skills. I only speak one language. And I’m an American in 2025. No one would want me in their country anyway and I can’t say I’d blame them for that.

I can’t keep stalling. I don’t know what to do next but doing nothing will most certainly lead to my demise.

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