It's like the beginning of an Arthur C Clarke novel playing out in real life...
It's bin day for us. I'm guessing lots of the bins in our street must be tired, when I left this morning many were laying down having a nice nap :|
Our garbo will deserve a bonus by the time he's finished today!
I'll pour one out for it tonight.
I wish I still had my childhood Commodore 64. Been on the lookout for one for a while now, but even the fixer-uppers are worth heaps. The days of $20 garage-sale specials are long gone!
Same and I'm already in the office -curls up in the corner and cries-
Easy come, easy go.
bystanders take cover
So understaffed at work today, thanks to the multiple plagues that seem to be going around I'm the only one in my team actually here.
And I probably shouldn't be, I'm guilty of a bit of presentee-ism myself. At least being on my own in this part of the building I'm not going to get anyone else sick so that's a bonus. Felt fine yesterday, today is a different story.
7 hours to go...
I'm glad I'm not the only one who still references this from time to time.
That and Schfifty-fivveeee.
Hmm Captain Peacock would have a word or two to say about this!
I second that motion.
Oh crap... in this message thread I'm now beween Cat(fish) and bacon... RIP me :D