Programs are mathematical proofs. If maths cannot be patented, software can't be, either.
If it's on company time, it's fine.
I've been using vim/neovim for more than a decade. Here are my favorite plugins (ranked):
- junegunn/fzf
- junegunn/fzf.vim
- bling/vim-airline
- airblade/vim-gitgutter
- w0rp/ale
- Shougo/deoplete.nvim
- tpope/vim-surround
- tpope/vim-fugitive
- tpope/vim-unimpaired
It's not that idiotic when you consider that they still look for an adequate place to store nuclear waste. It's been over 30 years now.
I am not a guy who blindly trusts technology. Why go forward when you cannot see what's in front of you? How can that happen?
AFAIK Google makes a disclaimer about it. A bridge can also be destroyed on the same day, so...
TIL password managers charge for 2FA.
- Get a free password manager.
- Get a free 2FA App. Please don't mix passwords and 2FA so you don't reduce it to 1FA.
For 1) I use PasswdSafe, because I can merge databases with Password Gorilla as I like.
For 2) I use Aegis. You can download an icon theme, which is quite cool.
You're right. So many people to thank here. One thing you cannot deny is that Valve is one of few companies that loves gaming on Linux and it deserves a huge credit.
Partially off topic, but I won't buy OnePlus anymore, because they lock down the bootloader.
Adobe has already proved they don't understand web technologies when creating Flash.
Hast Du mal geschaut mit welchen Leuten der ZDF Fernsehrat belegt ist? Hälfte von denen ist von der CDU und die andere von der SPD. Da darf man niemandem auf den Schlips treten. Böhmermann hat wenigstens nen Namen, sodass er nicht direkt hochkant rausfliegt.
You can install Steam on Linux. In fact I have 2 PCs in my house for my sons. They run Windows games flawlessly. See for compatibility in the ProtonDB.
Probably not, because it's a lie.