because out of two candidates, one is always better than another
if neither one should have power, I'm not voting for either one
Not voting is literally a declaration that you don't care who governs you
no, it's not
I shake my head at ballots cast for elephants
I shake my head at ballots cast for donkeys
cuz I swear to God our leaders
they will be the death of us
there is no vote we can cast to set us free
vote November second if it seems right to you
don't vote if you think it just holds us down
but tell me what we're gonna do on November third
to make sure there's no government left to elect two years from now
anarchism historically has not succeeded
what is your measure for success? I think liberating people from oppression is the standard, an anarchism has a great track record.
now you're moving the goalposts
those can’t exist in actual human communities of more than about a dozen people.
this is a lie.
"I want candy" by mc Chris?
or maybe something from the coup? like "magic clap" or "takin these" or "everythang" or "ride the fence"...
edit: oh fuck. I forgot "the man" by the killers
double edit: damn, reading the coup track list and I missed "we are the ones" and "5 million ways to kill a ceo"
triple edit: the stimulator put out a series of workout mixes called "burning cop car" that is full of winners in this category
Whatever “ism” you use, there will always be people at the top who are exploiting people at the bottom.
communism is classless. there is no top or bottom. same with anarchism.