Link for when shuts down:
I only just found this but, in case you're still testing things, here's a couple of hints:
- it is possible to navigate in the dark;
- it is possible to climb even without stairs, so you can usually get out of subterranean pits even tool-less; it's extremely rare to get into an actual “save-ender” situation
- as your tech level progresses, you'll discover ways to automate most things;
- do focus on getting ore; there are hints in the rock to where it may be.
@Telodzrum good to know, but I tend to avoid games without native ports, as a matter of principle. No Tux No Bux.
@surveyor3 @oloturia @mike @informatica puntacazzismo: no, Mastodon è nato comunque come piattaforma di microblogging (stessa categoria di Twitter), anche se federata. Ci sono piattaforme del Fediverso nate piú come forum, in particolare Lemmy e kbin (ispirate da Twitter), ma hanno strutture molto diverse.
@glimse (joking aside, I wasn't aware tags would come through this way, I'll be more considerate about this in the future).
(I'll fault lemmy for this though: it reinterprets the HTML as Markdown but then fails at rendering it in the title.)
@rikudou interesting, I actually have uBlock Origin *disabled* on GOG, and even disabled Privacy Badger to see if this was the issue (and reloaded after it). Despite this I see lots of warnings in console about cookies not having the correct CORS setting, so it might just be an issue with the more recent versions of Firefox being more strict in this regard. That's a good workaround to know until GOG fixes their side, though, thanks. I was a long-time Opera aficionado, only dropped it when they switched to WebKit (and then Blink) and the last Presto-based version became obsolete (TLS-wise, mostly). Switched to Firefox, with which I'll stick as long as it maintains Gecko. Would love to jump to Vivaldi, but we need more independent rendering engines for the health of the web.