@cypherpunks@lemmy.ml who I responded to. What do you seek to add?
That would certainly be more interesting. Sorry you don't find it relevant..
Thanks for the links! Odd he included that video but didn't include the points you/he made beyond the criticism.
Edit: Watching the video you linked that is included in the posted video, not sure how big a deal Xanadu is. I wonder how this would compare to git history and tag maps such as Obsidian.
Thanks for watching what I shared and sharing own thoughts :)
Your idea makes me think of my vague understanding of plan9.
Check this out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plan_9_from_Bell_Labs#Union_directories_and_namespaces
Do you imagine something like a mind map from obsidian where things are linked or unlinked by tags?
I haven’t used that so you’ve given me something to read about :) I’m not sure I fully get it
Highly recommend the video when you have time. I found its point really engaging
This is super cool! I’ve wondered what sort of device can I use to essentially have a phone but only interact with my own services and guarantee to some degree it isn’t calling home. This seems like a good choice for this problem :)
Can you choose how deep it archives webpages
lol, one too many and just realized something deep
I’ll read more into it then. Thanks for adding!