These people are harassing children and spewing hate messages. No they're not violent terrorists, but they're closer to that than they are to debaters.
both sides allowed to voice their positions in neutral language
Neutral language? Are you kidding me??
This is not a debate. One side's position is "we want an after school club where we can learn about science and feel accepted." The other side's position is "you are evil and deserve to die." If you give those two positions equal time, you are not being neutral. And there is no "neutral language" for hate speech.
All this comes off as is petulant, ignorant, and unimaginative.
It's unimaginative because nobody who spends even half a minute thinking about the consequences of the election could come away believing there would be no little to difference between the two outcomes.
It's ignorant because it displays a lack of understanding about how the FPTP US election system works.
It's petulant because it's akin to demanding the system work for you, rather than you working within the system. You're refusing to participate in a choice that will affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people just because a system that hundreds of millions of people work to produce doesn't function the way you want it to.