[-] oxomoxo@lemmy.world 25 points 1 week ago

You computer has a feature for Out of Band management. Either WoL as others have mentioned or vPro(Intel), iLon(HP), iDrac(Dell), as well a few other less popular systems depending on who makes your mainboard or NIC.

This leaves the power on to the network card so that it can be used even with your computer off. It does not have access to your normal computer in the this case. Just the ability to turn on/off the system and sometimes options to update BIOS/UEFI firmware and send a console image to either a client or browser.

The lights are blinking because broadcasts packets from other devices on your LAN are sent to every device. This is normal and expected behavior.

[-] oxomoxo@lemmy.world 21 points 1 month ago

I was in my early 20s and it definitely was a moment when I realized things weren’t what they seemed. I also fell for the narrative for a bit. Then a couple years later when it was revealed that the WMDs in Iraq were made up it started to all make sense. This country operates the highest, most advanced form of propaganda and corruption. It’s how it stays in power.

I also believe this is what Israel is going through now. Leveraging primal blood lust to justify what being committed. No wonder the US is supportive.

[-] oxomoxo@lemmy.world 18 points 3 months ago

I was curious if what I had been told had any reference online, a quick search did turn up this post which pretty much says the same:

[-] oxomoxo@lemmy.world 48 points 3 months ago

I have this down the street from my house and I asked a lineman about it. He was saying they will never leave this on power lines, just on the telecom lines. The arborists work for the power company, because even thought the utility poles are jointly owned the power company has the highest risk so they are responsible for management.

They will always remove the wood from power lines because wood is somewhat conductive, especially when it still fresh because of the water content. Leaving it on a high voltage line can increase the potential for a short. They don’t bother to cut them completely off the telecom lines because there is no risk of shock but a big risk to line damage. If they damage the telecom line they have to pay high fees to the telecom company for repair and risk creating an outage. Also the lines are designed to bear a certain amount of weight, as engineer have accounted for natural burdens like trees, ice and animals.

Also the wood eventually rots after a few seasons and will eventually fall off on its own.

[-] oxomoxo@lemmy.world 32 points 3 months ago

All religion is not about logic or reason, rather it is about identity. You can join a club for scale model trains, and you can join it for the only reason that you want to and because you enjoy it. You then identify as a member of the train club. It becomes part of your identity.

Religion is similar except it adds a dogma and doctrine that defines your entire world view. To lose this world view is to lose your identity. People would rather die than lose their identity because psychologically one’s identity is synonymous with their life.

The only way a person will lose religion is if they have decided for themself that it’s time for change. Much like an addict, it a personal identity change. You have to say to yourself, I am no longer an alcoholic or I am no longer a Mormon. There is no amount of convincing, rationality, evidence or influence that can change a person until they are ready and willing. It’s transformative and traumatic. You just have to accept those who are lost to it.

[-] oxomoxo@lemmy.world 20 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

The Paisa people were isolated in the Andes mountains for a long time as it was difficult for the Spanish to access when it was part of Gran Colombia. The culture around Medellin and the coffee triangle is different the rest of country and kind of similar to the Southern hospitality in the US. Everyone is so willing to talk to you and invite you to gatherings even if you’re a stranger.

They are no longer isolated but their culture persists. I just hope all the tourism doesn’t spoil it.

[-] oxomoxo@lemmy.world 59 points 5 months ago

This is just political theater to make it seem like the Governor is doing something. Colombia, and much of Latin America, has a much larger issue being extremely wealthy countries with vastly poor populations.

These countries are being kept this way purposely so that they can be exploited by much wealthier nations(US, Spain, France, Netherlands, India). This breeds a culture of self regulation and minimal government intervention, riddled with corruption and a populace left to their own devices.

Prostitution in the touristic areas hasn’t been stopped at all, just pushed a little underground while the cops look the other way, because they are also customers.

Fixing this problem requires something that won’t occur in our lifetimes. Which is unfortunate as Colombia is one of the most beautiful and magical places on earth. Antioquia specifically is such an amazing place and the Paisa people are so unique and kind. Really beautiful when isolated cultures can survive this long.

[-] oxomoxo@lemmy.world 26 points 5 months ago

The things that makes me sad is the only way something like this can get made in the studios is if the names attached are guaranteed to draw a crowd. Everything else is safe and calculated.

40 years ago “Hollywood” started to pretend that it was making pencils and not art. That every production had to be a safe sure thing. Let’s all make the McDonald’s hamburger of movies just about every time, we’ll let you take a chance if you break a billion in profit but otherwise we want vanilla predictable serotonin juicers and nothing else…

I won’t see anything anymore unless it has something new to offer. Otherwise they can all fuck off!

[-] oxomoxo@lemmy.world 25 points 5 months ago

I’m in my forties so I was around when cell phones first became a thing and you had to T9 type your messages and was in my late twenties when smartphones became a things. The cost is the right answer. It was much cheaper in the states to txt earlier than other places. So the US stuck with SMS longer as that’s what people were used to and it eventually became free while in other parts of the world it did not but data and WiFi became more affordable, so people jumped to IM.

[-] oxomoxo@lemmy.world 19 points 7 months ago

What’s this “Cable TV” their talking about? Is it like the telegraph?

[-] oxomoxo@lemmy.world 29 points 8 months ago

Who puts a watch on a dog?

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