Data brokers getting a kick out of this one.
One of the things that really makes me appreciate localthunk's game design choices is how jokers reveal game mechanics. In this case, even if you don't know ace can be high or low, the superposition encourages figuring it out.
I'm convinced Mark Zuckerberg had a wet dream about pupil tracking when he bought Oculus.
Came here to say this. Also
OpenDyslexic as an alternative font
Respect. Congrats to OP on launching. Will take a peak when I get the chance.
Offline playback / downloads
Dope. Aside from the usual, outside of wifi situations, if your networking skills are (like mine) not to the point of confidently, and securely opening ports, this is a great stopgap. It's a nice-to-have feature that's missing from the official app, last I checked.
But if you pay for YouTube premium you won't have ads... for the first couple of years until they corner the market, and change the terms of services several times to maximize profits. uBlock and donating to open source FTW. shout out to yt-dlp
Tolerates decades of spam in his mailbox. Has melt down when one contains a black female politician.
That's on the whole probably good news, though I'm having trouble finding immediate satisfaction. Banning plastic bags doesn't necessarily mean less of an impact on the environment. Not without a behavior change, as well.
Plastic bags have the lowest carbon footprint to produce and distribute compared to paper, polypropylene, or cotton. In many places plastic bags (including small produce bags) can be recycled at the grocery store (two near me do but it's easy to miss). I also found plastic very easy to reuse. It's a bit annoying to have to buy trashbags when my reused grocery bags worked fine and were made of less material.
Reusable totes are only as eco friendly as they are reused (about 130 times to equal plastic). Forgetting them and amassing a huge collection is not progress nor is using paper bags once and then recycling them. source
Happy to see attention on the issue but as I haven't always appreciated the nuances or been wary of the green washing in the past, I thought this was worth sharing. Progress is rarely as simple as a new regulation or new product, as strong capitalist forces would want us to believe. If we want meaningful progress we need to foster a culture that consumes less and reuses more.
Never have I ever read a single book or watched a single movie of the Harry Potter series.
I went a little overboard and wrote a one-liner to accurately answer this question
history|cut -d " " -f 5|sort|uniq -c|sort -nr|head -5
Note: history
displays like this for me
20622 2023-02-18 16:41:23 ls
I don't know if that's because I set HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T '
in .bashrc, or if it's like that for everyone.
If it's different for you change -f 5
to target the command. Use -f 5-7
to include flags and arguments.
My top 5 (since last install)
2002 ls
1296 cd
455 hx
427 g
316 find
is an alias for gitui. When I include flags and arguments most of the top commands are aliases, often shortcuts to a project directory.
Not to ramble, but after doing this I figured I should alias the longest, most-used commands (even aliasing ls
to l
could have saved 2002 keystrokes :P) So I wrote another one-liner to check for available single characters to alias with:
for c in a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z; do [[ ! $(command -v $c) ]] && echo $c; done
In .bash_aliases I've added alias b='hx ${HOME}/.bash_aliases'
to quickly edit aliases and alias r='source ${HOME}/.bashrc'
to reload them.
Happy to see it get love and spread the word. is my go to. Worthy of muscle memory. I've also found great options in the awesome lists on github. Especially awesome self-hosted if we're talking software. I thought I remember an alternativeto-like site geared towards cli, but I couldn't find it last time I looked. LMK if that rings a bell for anyone.
I think about this often-- followed by Homer Simpson's voice saying, "Better say something or they'll think you're stupid."