I think this is pretty funny but depending on your players, they might check all 3 for mimics! Some of us were traumatized once and now we are very suspicious…
I switched from Android to iPhone mainly for the iMessage capabilities. I didn’t have any other reason at the time, but now I’ve started adding in to the ecosystem (AirPods, and now an iPad). The integration is really nice and smooth. I do like how “user-friendly” it is - while I can use other platforms just fine, iOS is just simple and easy.
I’ll add in my own thoughts! One thing is that I personally plan to only have 1 child for exactly this purpose. It feels like a “best of both worlds” - I can experience motherhood with the least amount of downtime in my own career.
It feels like hiring a nanny or housekeeper was taboo growing up in my neck of the woods, but I think we are slowly dispelling this idea that women can/should be doing EVERYTHING.
I once got a house cleaning quote for $250 and thought it was far too expensive. But then I wondered - am I still devaluing traditional “women’s work” to be worth less than minimum wage?
To be honest, no. I started watching in 2020 with the pandemic. Merc’s dominance was fine then because I was still learning all the history. 2021 was super exciting. 2022 is when my interest slowly started to wane, and now it has to be convenient for me to even watch a race since it is so predictable.
I’ll probably continue to keep tabs on the F1 lemmies and watch the start of each season to get a feel for whether it has my interest that year.
At the moment, it seems to be, “I can’t poop for 3 days.”
Give it a week, we just passed July 1. I joined during the Reddit blackout and it took a few days for new and interesting content to cycle through.
Be the change you wish to see in the world!
An interesting idea but I feel like there are too many loopholes. What about people who incorporate holding companies for their rentals? What about people who earn their income in their corporations, and can control if they are “low income” in the year they purchase a house? If there’s a lower earning spouse, can they be the ones to list it at whatever price? Canadian cities vary greatly with their real estate markets - will the cutoff price be decided in each city? Will the cutoff only be adjusted for inflation, or will it be adjusted based on market rates?
If there is tax planning to be had, the rich will find it!