Despicable cowardice.
No, it doesn't.
And if "standard practice" that amplifies the lies of fascists doesn't trigger a serious rethink of what "standard practice" is, nothing will.
But those who refuses to adapt should never ever complain about growing fascism: They are helpers.
That's not my point.
The majority of people will only read the text and not click the link.
And the text repeats and therefore amplifies the lie.
Only the "gross" *at the end* of the line provides the necessary perspective but that's too late.
Hence my "If you must post about it, *start* with debunking the lie." (** added now for emphasis).
Please don't amplify such lies.
If you must post about it, start with debunking the lie.
Not just municipalities, not just Amazon and not just Canada:
Every person must stop giving their money to businesses owned by fascists.
Welcome to my blocklist, Nazi apologist!
May you experience the consequences of fascism yourself.