I'm not sleeping well. i can't get my environment in order so i can't start anything. i can't clean up because much of the clutter are someone else's things. i can't ask them to clean or get permission to clean because it's too much anxiety.
i understand how phones in Faraday bags is good for privacy.
i don't really see the connection to autism. other than reducing the quantity/frequency of unproductive social interactions and social media interruptions, and general level of stimuli.
i also sense that the meme pic is ironic/sarcastic, but not sure how. at first glance it suggests to me that although life without smartphones /socialmedia is ostensibly more "human" as in face-to-face interactions, that life also has the potential for mob mentality and mass panic induced massacres.
so true
Healthy Gamer GG made a video about how to manipulate/ration the tiny amount of dopamine we start the morning with. it's helped me several times so far.
i think this is the one https://youtu.be/6CWq8wyS90o
damn... "Luigi's Mansion" has a totally different ring nowadays.....
In English speaking world (and other imperial languages), we do have a history of stereotyping Asian people + wisdom or mysticality. that should be avoided.
having said that, i have an acquaintance who personally got to know Shu. i was told that he's a very open person and a good listener. obviously those are top factors for good advice.
but not Japanese culture... artwork... copyright....
even when Ubi were confronted with their infringement, they simply said they were sorry but they won't undo any of it.....
only because the trademark owner wasn't a huge corporation with 1000s of lawyers....
that's just uncivilized. never forgiving that.
sorry to anyone if my grievance wasn't clear.
the problem is:
- auto translated video titles make many videos seem like they're in my language (either of my 2 fluent languages) but in fact the video is not -> ai generated title fraud
- auto generated translated audio track -> don't like dubs, from humans or not. if i watch a video in a language i don't understand, i want the original audio and subtitles. always.
- auto generated subtitles appear even when there is no talking, i.e. during sound effects or music (even instrumental)
root causes:
- ai translation is incompetent thus far and for the foreseeable future. (please don't mention "good" ai translation between western European languages. Compared to the rest of the world these may as well be slight accents of the same language, especially but not limited to Romance<-> Romance, Germanic<->Germanic, English<->Germanic/Romance)
- YouTube corporation thinks multilingual audience don't exist, i.e. thinks everyone only wants audio/subtitles in the settings' selected 1 (one) language. no option to select multi languages.
- ai translated audio track can only be disabled per video during playback. no option in settings screen to disable ai generated audio (on watcher side). maybe this is Freetube issue, not sure cuz i haven't watched YouTube directly in years.
sorry if i wasn't clear.
edit: added clarification in the main thread
i think OP is implying the extra time that will be needed on foss volunteers part to review the code at the time [edit: 'of'] release.
it's like pouring liquid into a flimsy plastic cup. drop by drop, the cup can handle it. pour a lot all at once and the cup may tip over and spill.