Ooh good catch. That makes sense. Not sure I would call this beautiful, especially without any way to tell how much time has passed, but fair enough
could be that the original applies to some small place with some different setup there, but news about their protests don't really seem to spread to the rest of us
.. what?
You're arguing as if they had said Russia and the US are morally the same; what they actually said was that they are guilty of the same aforementioned crimes.
The [US] is actively and purposefully destabilising multiple countries and are basically terrorists at this point
Tell me how that sentence is wrong.
Actually the correct answer is clearly 0.2609 if you follow the order of operations correctly:
= 6/23
= 0.26
You wrote a whole essay speculating when it literally says in the article:
Nothing Chats then leverages Sunbird’s undisclosed number of Mac mini computers across Europe and North America as a waypoint for sending and receiving iMessage-compatible texts and media.
Here's a really small and easy to fix pet peeve of mine: graphics options that cycle through the levels of fidelity with inconsistent scales. I like to set my graphics to max, try it out, and then adjust down where needed. It's very annoying if a game doesn't stop where the max option is, so if it's currently at "High" I have no idea if the next option to the right is going to be "Very High" or "Low" again. So I often end up overshooting the highest setting and having to go back one, or purposefully going to the lowest setting and then one further.
You can get very close with C:S mods, for example road builder will let you design roads with pretty much any lane configuration you want including bike and pedestrian areas. I'm a very anti-car person and I love C:S because it lets me build a city the way I wish my hometown was. You just have to tweak the game a bit to get away from the car-centric starting progression.
In a socialist system he would still be allowed to sell his own work and profit from his labor. Your point makes no sense
ChatGPT definitely has the potential to put web developers out of a job !
Great example of actual dunning kruger. No serious web developer can be replaced by even the best currently available GPT model and we have no guarantee that its reasoning abilities will keep improving at the current rate in future models.
It's cool that you were able to do this but it wouldn't have taken long for you to learn the skills necessary to do this yourself instead...
Ich habe mir angewöhnt den Doppelpunkt zu verwenden und dann nach dem jeweils "ganzen Wort" zu deklinieren (die Student:in, ein Außenstehende:r). Meiner Meinung nach stört das den Textfluss nicht und liest sich daher genauso einfach wie vorher, aber zeigt halt trotzdem dass es einem zumindest nicht komplett egal ist.
Auf die Wissenschaft hören ist irrational?
Was ist denn deiner Meinung nach rational? Dass das ja alles "halb so schlimm ist", weil es sich noch nicht dramatisch genug anfühlt? Klar, das ist viel logischer und nicht so von Gefühlen und Illusionen geprägt wie diese verrückten Wissenschaftler.
Nur noch eine Überwachungsmaßnahme Brudi, dann wird's bestimmt besser