[-] roscoe@startrek.website 2 points 2 months ago

Oooh, bison bulgogi, bison galbi, either would be good in bibimbap. I've got a couple things to try.

BTW: Yesterday I ended up going to the burger joint, but I got the bone marrow burger with a couple drams of Glenfarclas 18.

[-] roscoe@startrek.website 2 points 2 months ago

"A Transport For London camera study of 7,500 cyclists at five junctions found in 2007 that, contrary to popular perception, most cyclists do not run reds: 84% of the cyclists stopped at red traffic lights."

This surprised me. I haven't noticed that many cyclists running reds. The tone seemed to suggest that was a good statistic for some reason. That is way too high. If 16% of cars ran red lights my life expectancy would be about three days. I'm in favor of cyclists bending or breaking rules to protect themselves but I don't think running reds qualifies. Everyone should always stop at reds. I'm a bit of a scofflaw when it comes to some traffic laws but that's too far.

[-] roscoe@startrek.website 2 points 2 months ago

I like "I have spoken." My wife loves it. Or hasn't divorced me yet anyway.

[-] roscoe@startrek.website 1 points 2 months ago

I don't think I've ever been that optimistic in my life.

[-] roscoe@startrek.website 3 points 10 months ago

Seriously, I'd like to know too. I've always thought that you got them and then you were done. But maybe that was counting on there not being a bunch of disease vectors walking around.

[-] roscoe@startrek.website 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Wasn't there a story recently about a bear in a Chinese zoo everyone thought was a dude in a suit but it turns out that type of bear just looks like that when they stand on two legs?

[-] roscoe@startrek.website 2 points 11 months ago

You can't get it in the boonies. I live in a city and my insurance, with an earthquake rider, is only a few hundred a month. My coworker lives in sparsely populated area (by the standards of this metro area) and his insurance costs a little over 7x as much, and continues to rise.

And it's deserved too. These people move out there because they're the type that want to "own land," but then none of them maintain it. I'll go over to his house for a party and be in the backyard and everywhere I look, his property and every property it touches, as soon as you go beyond the area immediately around the house that is actually used, the entire ground is covered by kindling. One dropped cigarette and his entire neighborhood is gone.

[-] roscoe@startrek.website 1 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I'm not saying there aren't suppliers overcharging, but I suspect most of the time it's used to hide other purchases. For instance: a line item that says $100/cup when it's really $1/cup and $99 for helicopter fuel for the CIA.

[-] roscoe@startrek.website 1 points 11 months ago


Learning things a little at a time, when the stakes are low/non-existent is the way to go. From early teens to partway through college when you get an off campus apartment you can learn how to apply for a job, how to interview, responsibility, managing your money, responsible credit use, professionalism, bill paying. All this over the course of years, with a support system when you make mistakes (hopefully).

I guess some people think you should just have all that dropped on you like a ton of bricks the day after you get a diploma.

[-] roscoe@startrek.website 2 points 1 year ago

He has a nuanced take on controversial issues and isn't afraid of voicing his opinions about them to push the conversation forward. I think he is taking a contrarian stance against what he perceives as a lack of nuance in response to his side of the conversation. I can understand being frustrated at tackling a complex issue imperfectly and simply being labeled a transphobe in response.

I don't think that's a good excuse in general, but for Chappelle specifically it definitely doesn't work.

If I remember correctly, when he walked away from his show is was partly due to the wrong people laughing for the wrong reasons. Bigots were laughing at his "nuanced takes" on the black community for their own racist reasons and missing the point.

Even if you think Chappelle isn't bigoted and he's trying to make some other point, after all this time it should be very clear to him bigots are missing the point and laughing for the wrong reasons.

He had the strength and conviction to walk away when it was the black community he thought he might be harming but not when it's trans people.

[-] roscoe@startrek.website 3 points 1 year ago

I didn't mean to suggest 90s rap was one-dimensional but it does seem like there is more variety now. But I wasn't in an environment where I could buy local/touring hip hop tapes out of the trunk of a car, where I was that sort of thing was mostly punk and metal, so I never experienced all there was to offer. Maybe what I perceive as an increase is just due to streaming services making discovery so much easier.

[-] roscoe@startrek.website 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Don't put words in my mouth. I never said the data doesn't match reality. I'm saying the data is reality, or are least the best measure of it we have.

You're the one insisting that your experiences are the only measure of reality, and since the data doesn't agree, it must be bullshit, instead of the much more likely explanation that your experiences aren't typical.

I'm not sure what you're referring to with the "6 months" thing, but if you're talking about the inflation rate spiking, the data wasn't wrong, the interpretation was. The data showed inflation up, every month, but the Fed thought it was "transitory". Eventually they realized "oh shit" it's not transitory and took action to bring it down while trying not to cause a recession at the same time. I'm no fan of the Fed in general, but credit where it's due, it looks like they did a damn good job.

I'm well aware of all the various measures of unemployment, and they're very good. Both short and long term unemployment are below what used to be considered maximum employment, and have been for a while. Underemployment is historically low. And after controlling for boomers aging out, workforce participation is trending upward. More people are working, more people are working full time, in jobs they're trained for (as opposed to having to take jobs they're overqualified for), and their wages are growing faster than inflation.

No, I don't think there is a vast conspiracy of thousands of federal workers, normal career employees, not political appointees, publishing fake numbers. The raw data is public and so is the origin. No one disagrees on what the numbers are, just what spin to put on it. Often, for political reasons, people will try to put a bad spin on good numbers, or a good spin on shitty numbers, but the numbers themselves are not in question.

I think you've been taken in by someone who wants to put a bad spin on good numbers. Numbers so good, if you had told me you thought we'd be here a year ago I would have laughed in your face.

Maybe, just maybe, the people doing well aren't lying to you, there isn't a conspiracy of government workers, and things are as all available data suggests.

Maybe your experiences just aren't typical.

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