Marketers explicitly and silently rebranded AI to AGI, a term that I think was literally just made up. I think they should have been reversed, llma deserve a new term, but not AI.

But you see that wasn't the problem. The problem was that they knew some new term would fall flat. They wanted investors frothing at the mouth - so they just changed the definition of AI to make that happen.

Yes that was the joke.

With Gog though it doesn't have any DRM right? What stopping people from just copying the files?

They did, and they gave it to Ubisoft.

[-] 6 points 10 hours ago

Whenever someone complains about post quality I always go to their history. Fediverse is what we make of it. Reddit is easy to lurk in, people will post stuff for you. Here you get what you put into it. Want better posts? Start posting about stuff you like, drum up some conversations. No time like the present

[-] 5 points 19 hours ago

K, that's your opinion...

One thing I've been reading is how the younger generations haven't grown up with what we call traditional technology. There are people entering the workforce who have used iPads for most of their lives and don't know what a directory structure is, or a file share, or basic word/excel/pp skills. Think about it, iPads made it so easy by showing most recent items that they don't even really know ehat folders are.

Those are all things I took in my first few computer classes. How to make a word doc. Basic formulas in excel. How to make a PowerPoint do a star wipe. Those are real tangible skills that everyone should know entering the workforce. Then, if people show a talent for it, I would encourage them to pursue something like programming.

People here are suggesting low level things like bash scripting because it's what we know and think is important, but for most people it's things like how are files stored, and how do I sum a column in excel?

Agree, hr is more or less a one stop shop to being fired. Op is right, they'll immediately label you someone who is willing to speak up, what's the addage? The beach who perks up gets pruned. HR isn't necessarily there to protect the company, but the status quo. They don't want anyone making noise, else it is bad for everyone.

Don't forget that the first one is great because it has to be the breakout to be franchise-able, followed with a mediocre second because the third is now guaranteed.

Yeah people did this in drive thrus and thought they were being cute. It's real cute until the next person ordered 6x as much as you did.

A nice thing to do is to see a mother struggling to pay for her groceries and offering to step in and to put them on yours. Paying it forwards sets off a weird chain of guilt that is not as nice.

goddamnit it's stuck this piece of shit it never goes back in right

FUCK this article. Add an archive source, I don't want to give them money.

The dark clouds began to gather in May last year when writers downed their tools in a bid to boost their pay and royalties from streaming shows.

Fuck off, like it was the writers who were being greedy asking for slight increase when the streaming companies were making insane profits. It's 100% on the studios for stomping their feet and throwing tantrums.


Ozoned is a well known fediverse based streamer, and I recommend his channel!

New (Multi-)Players Guide (
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Hey folks! For those new to Satisfactory with 1.0 a couple of people have pinged me asking questions. So first off, hello, I'm Scrubbles, I have with my latest factory now just over 2000 hours in game, I absolutely love this game. I'm a mod here, and for our newcomers welcome!

So, this post was from earlier this year when someone asked how to do multiplayer. I want to preface everything by saying there is no right or wrong way to play Satisfactory. Everyone does it a little differently, from a spaghetti mess to perfect 90 degree angles. That being said, those differences have caused issues in our multiplayer games, so for those who are getting started - if you are interested, here are some of the things my friends and I do while playing multiplayer.

Adjustments are welcome, and feedback. If people like this, I personally think it's useful to pin, but I don't want to self promote... so let me know if you think it's worth that

Scrubbles' unofficial multiplayer "Rules" for Satisfactory

1) Clipping or No Clipping.

This is a group decision, but we feel that it's more challenging and looks better if we force ourselves not to clip. (or at least avoid it at all costs). Builds are bigger, more complex, and it comes out looking nice

Picture of clipping conveyor belts

2) Build buildings.

Cover up your builds. Group builds will get huge and there is a performance hit if you have all of your buildings out in the open. If you leave buildings out in the open, the engine has to draw everything, even in the low poly far away ones, it's a lot to draw. Walls make it much easier to draw, and will keep those framerates up.

This doesn't really matter until Tier 3 or so, but after that yeah it's pretty important. (Our Gold Coast oil production can span the entire coast, and the game will have to show all of that if you don't build some nice buildings. Also it just looks pretty cool if you put some thought into it.

3) Private vs Group builds

This is the big one you talked about and you just have to go over it. There are no good rules for "Don't touch my stuff" as all groups are different, but we have a good baseline of

  • If you want to take on a build - then awesome you should feel all empowered to do so. No one should come in and change your build, of course unless asked

  • HOWEVER - we all play at a different pace. We like to joke that this isn't work... but at the same time if you say you're going to produce 100 steel beams/min, I'm going to build my build based on those numbers. We have a pseudo AFK rule, if you leave the game and don't give a good time of when the build will be finished, there are no hurt feelings if someone else jumps in and finishes it for you. It was there for you, you chose not to log in one day, and that's going to have to be okay.

  • Also another unspoken exception we have, if you fuck something up, get the math wrong, or our favorite where sometimes conveyors/pipes don't "stitch" together there are no hurt feelings if someone comes in and fixes it.

I can play 16 hours in a day when I'm really into it. Other folks may not log in once that day, it's just a thing we have to talk about and understand. I don't expect them to be logged in 16 hours a day with me to finish their build, but if they're AFK for a couple of days and I need it... well, yeah I may go finish it.

Rail Network

Those are the only "rules" we have. As for a rail system, I'd recommend personally that someone "takes charge" in planning rail and hooking up factories. Someone who has the entire network in their head on how things are moving. Everyone should be welcome to help, but rail networks get complicated fast and it's good to have a point (wo)man.

A good way to help organize this I've found is to make a "Departures Board" of all of your trains, especially at hubs, so make any sense out of what is happening. Just like the real ones

Image of a UK departurees board You too can put some up that explains where resources are going in or out. A list of all trains, their destinations, and what cargo they carry


Finally, make transportation and the Hub a big focal point. Make it fun. For our last build we made the Hub separate from our main construction, and moved all of our train hubs there. ~~That also made it perfect for building our warehouse~~ (1.0 edit, I wonder what will happen with warehousing...), and on top of that we put the center of our hypertube network. Make it a fun place to stop in, and make it easy to craft new gear there if you get stranded. This is especially important in multiplayer so your friends aren't going "Where the hell did Scrubbles put the chest of Encased Steel Beams?!" Make a good, easy to access warehouse

Also, make a good todo board, so everyone knows what everyone is doing. Try to make it easy and clean to understand. We chose this format It keeps everyone aware of what people are working on and cuts down on duplicated effort.

Server Maintenance

Your factory server will crash. It just will. Once our factory got large enough in Update 7 it happened probably once a day. Know that someone is going to need to be on call - or you're going to all need access to the server and know how to spin it up if it crashes. Keep backups of the saves in a neutral places anyone can access so if someone accidentally nukes the server you can at least have the saves. (I personally recommend setting up rclone or something to sync your saves somewhere like google drive)

Summing up

Finally, always find ways to keep morale up. Ficsit demands morale be just high enough to remain productive. Give helpful reminders to your friends whenever possible. Signs in our Hub that say "You enjoy this." and "You are having fun.

That's all I have! Have fun on your next factory, and remember, remain efficient.


But efficiency was the only achievement, and you never truly achieved it.

(but of course I am happy to have them, and I think I have to 100% it)

LTO-8 Drives (

Hey folks, I'm lucky enough to be in one of the few places on the internet that uses LTO.

I'm running LTO-8 tape. My current drive is kind of a dud, I'm interested in a new (to me) drive. Either internal in just an old desktop, or an external drive. I'm not afraid to shell out for it, but if I am I'm nervous to drop 2000 on just a random ebay seller. Anyone have any reputable sources? In the Seattle area if anyone knows a local one too.

Tidal integration is dead (

From Friday, sorry falling behind in posting these :/


cross-posted from:

Private and public investment in clean energy rose to a total of $147B in the first half of this year — a record-setting figure.

Exactly two years ago today, President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act, establishing a wide array of clean energy programs meant to supercharge spending on climate solutions.

Investment in clean energy projects — from solar manufacturing facilities to home batteries to hydrogen hubs — has taken off ever since, rising to record heights in the first half of this year.

Across the first six months of 2024, U.S. cleantech investment hit $147 billion, per new data from the Clean Investment Monitor, a joint project from Rhodium Group and the MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research. That’s a more than 30 percent jump from the first half of 2023. The report measures actual investment — not announcements or plans — from both public and private sources.

Length restriction on GPUs (

Hey folks! Not sure where to put this, but since I'm doing this to install Bazzite soon, why not.

I have a HTPC that currently has an NVidia card in it. Since Gamescope doesn't play nice with nvidia, I'm going to upgrade the GPU. I have a 6900XT in my primary rig, love the thing. here's the thing though, I was going to put it into my original HTPC, but it was too long by about 0.5 inches.

Does anyone have either A) a recommendation on a GPU that can drive a 4K tv that is shorter than 12" or B) Know of any good sites that have a filter?

It's a pretty intense machine, since the whole family uses it. I'm planning on about a grand for the new GPU, if it works like my 6900XT. Less is of course better, but I don't want this one struggling personally.

Thanks for any rec's!


Every day, we work to make our platform the best it can be, which includes regularly revisiting our terms and policies (also known as our House Rules) to make sure they meet the needs of our growing community and allow us to continue to support you. Today, we’re sharing a few updates that go into effect on September 15, 2024.

We’ve made some changes to our dispute resolution clause (section 11) for users in North and South America, with updates to our arbitration procedures for smaller matters and for coordinated or “mass” arbitrations (with 25 or more claimants). We have also updated the choice of law that’s applicable to the Terms. As before, the arbitration agreement includes a class action and jury waiver, which means we’ll be resolving most disputes in private, individual arbitration, and not in court. Please read this section carefully. We’ve added which entity acts as the merchant of record, depending on a buyer’s currency and location of your payment instrument.

So, if you're upset at all you can't sue, you can't go to the courts, you have to sit in a an arbitration with someone we choose who (trust us) won't be biased.

To add in, an annoyance for sure:

Effective July 29, our Adult Nudity and Sexual Content Policy introduces more rigorous guidelines regarding our prohibitions of nude or sexual content, as well as how to appropriately list certain mature content.

Pose picker extension? (

I think this was here a while ago, but I lost the post. If I remember, there was an extension where someone had built up a repository of poses, and then in the UI you could go through them and pick out the one you wanted for your image. Does anyone remember that? I have controlnet and can do poses, but finding them is a bear right now.

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joined 1 year ago