Isn't Chromecast proprietary though?
Does your Japanese toilet have Bluetooth and wash your everything/too?
No one accepts $100 bills anywhere anyways. He'd be on paper thats effectively worthless because everyone will think it's a counterfeit bill and it fits him perfectly.
Sounds like they need a ticketing system that takes in emails to reduce user error.
In a lot of areas there is financial icentives to charge overnight too.
The hidden cost of power usage could be a lot more expensive then something more modern though lol
Opening any service / port has a impact to security in your network. Vpns are meant to be exposed and are generally secure. As long as your router updates and fixes security issues there shouldn't be an issue with the router providing the VPN.
The house impeaches with a majority of votes for the members present at the time.
Next it has to pass the Senate trial. The Senate is 49 Republicans, 48 Democrats, and 3 independent. A couple Democrats also tend to side with Republicans. Since he has been impeached, a trial happens in the Senate and 2/3 majority has to agree to remove from office.
I'd assume unless someone fucked up really badly and both sides hate them it is very unlikely for a 2/3 majority.
ASS clubs do not promote Satan
Heh this whole thing is gold.
That's my car in the picture that I bought this year! Subaru and government fucked me out of my 8K rebate and locked me into the purchase to try and get it or losing $3k.
I have to pay 20% of my income on this loan, Subaru provided a low interest rate loan because of the rebate thing while loan interest rates were over like 6%. I do pay more though making it 25% of my income. Combined with my mortgage I am paying 50% of my income on loans.
Since it is electric and my commute was costing me $160 prior, I am saving about $100/month on gas at least. After 3 years I should have it paid off early. Thinking of getting solar afterwards so hopefully one year in my life my costs will go down enough that I can afford to do nice things or retire.
Sure it won't kill people like programming drones, but it is still unethical and would affect ~5 billion people negatively.
You can do a few things to reduce interference if the device broadcasting the signal supports it. Unifi APs support these settings. Most routers with WiFi probably do not support transmit power.