
joined 1 week ago
[–] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

So cleaning, refill food and water once a week? And the 6 days left you only pick up eggs?

[–] 16 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Social democrats of Europe: «why won’t voters vote for us??»

Because you’re either corrupt or you do the exact same shit as conservatives would do. Or both!

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (4 children)

How much work is it? If there’s a war or anything, getting chickens is on the top of my list!


Tenker i beste fall her at dette er ekstremt tonedøvt, ellers er det intet nytt fra Høyre

Downloaded and will try komoot. Thank you


I use Strava mainly for running, but also it has a decent tracking ability for my e-bike rides. Any good non-american alternatives?

Here are some I really enjoy, which I also use to fall asleep to.

  • Fall of civilizations - great history show
  • Sweet Bobby - Weird and fascinating story
  • The Spy Who - Awesome storytelling about different spystories from around the world
  • It could happen here - Podcast that tells how a second american civil war could happen
  • Decoding the gurus - decoding weirdos like musk, jordan peterson and other scammers
[–] 10 points 1 day ago

I really never did, not a well functioning at least. They've practiced voter repression for decades, and then they had fun testing how low they could go after 9/11, doing a lot of unlawful shit, going after citizens who spoke out against their policies and wars.

[–] 44 points 3 days ago (4 children)

The Norwegian government will offer eggs, and we will only ask for the state of New York or as we like to call it: Nye Jorvik. The citizens of Nye Jorvik will enjoy all the benefits from a stabile, functioning social democracy.

[–] 5 points 4 days ago

I’m a dad of two, and in my country (Norway) it’s mostly common to divide the leave. With my first, I had 9 months of paternity leave, 6 months with my youngest. The two best periods of my life!

[–] 13 points 4 days ago (1 children)

They’ve asked us in Norway as well, and we said lol no

[–] 4 points 5 days ago

Tbf, American aviation has been a shitshow for a long time, now it’s just completely falls apart. It’s mind boggling that Boeing currently has two orbital spaceplanes in use.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

allereie bytta til proton, og happy med det is a popular home-swapping site, where you only pay a yearly fee of around 200€. You can do a simultanously swap, or earn points by letting others use your home when you're away. You can then use those points to stay anywhere in the world.

Do note that Homeexchange has dual headquarters, both in the US and in France, but has a huge membership base in Europe

As opposed to AirBnB, Homeexchange is more:

  • cost-effective, you only pay the membership-fee
  • sustainable (it's not speculative like people buying property just for renting out)
  • better traveling experience, when living in residential areas instead of a touristy place.
  • It offers you a sense of community, respect and connections across borders.

Slik eg ser det, så er det ein tung byttehandel: for å få fullt medlemskap, så gjer me opp dei sjølvråderettane me har når det gjeld fisk og landbruk. Det vil, trur eg, bli kroken på døra for alt av småbruk og enkeltfiskarar, og større firma vil overta der det finst mulegheitar for profitt. Då klarer eg ikkje heilt sjå nytta, med tanke på kva med får i EØS-avtalen, berre for å få nokre få røyster i EU-parliamentet.

Det må fleire fordeler til for at eg synst at eit norsk EU-medlemskap skal vere verdt det.

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