Advertisers, probably.
What a tantrum-throwing manchild.
To all the naysayers: if the claims hold up this will be super useful for some industries. Example, I worked at a human genomics lab for diagnostics. By law we were supposed to retain raw data for a whopping 120 years. With a couple terabyte per individual for a WGS, the storage and backup costs were very much non-trivial.
What's absolutely scummy is that "laws are changing in your region" is not what happened. The law hasn't significantly changed. What has changes is that the regulator is finally enforcing the law.
Flat design. I don't know what a button is anymore. Often I randomly click through an UI to see if it's a clickable element or just a text box. Please give me back skeuomorphic design.
My employer is the same. I was almost fired for attending a (unpaid!) hackathon during a weekend. A colleague was fired for doing volunteer work in weekends.
Yes, I'm looking for a new job.
I'm pretty sure they pay effectively zero tax because they found some interesting ways to make their profit appear 0 on paper.
Knowing how to swim. Basic life skill in a water-rich country, but many expats can't.
This sounds like a very dangerous design.
Google needs to be broken up. It needs to separate in at least 5 different companies:
- Admob/Adsense
- Ads/Adwords
- Search
- Android
- Chrome
Sigh. Our latest TV is an LG precisely because LG did not have ads in its OS whereas its main competitors do. Once they introduce ads, they'll have completely lost me as a potential repeat customer.
Guess our next TV will just be a large monitor, with no "smart" shenanigans whatsoever.
Why did this take the IRS so long where other nations have been doing this for decades?