I don't know man, those tools - they seem rusty to me.
Aye, I can't argue with that
I have read this a hundred times and it's still as beautiful as the day I first read it.
Is it me or the headline is worded strangely?
Ah yes enslaved chromium
It's not socially acceptable anywhere in the urban places but in rural places it can a quite a problem.
I have lived my entire life in a urban city without any discrimination whatsoever, but I have also heard of rural places where they would literally burn people alive for intercaste marriage.
One of the main reasons it's not extinct yet is because people love to take "pride" in their caste. There are plenty of songs dedicated to "jatt" people, people of a higher caste. "Khatris" are often glorified in movies for fighting. You can see the problem is same as if white people started making songs on "being white and proud" and Britishers claiming victory in ww2 because they were "white". It's absurd and I have felt the pain but I am thankful for the present situation and I suppose it's better than being burnt alive haha.
Yes there is reservation and that's absurd too, imagine if "black" people were allowed reservation for jobs in government.
This meme doesn't really fit unless they start running literally from the edge.
While and do while are equal except for the very first test. So if the very first test does not evaluate to false, they are essentially same. In the meme that implies they started running sometime before reaching the edge, that runs the "run()" atleast once and later on for every run it would be checked and it would be false at the cliff edge.
WhY sHoUld i cAre I hAVe notHing To hiDe AnYWay!!!
Right all we are missing now is videos in comments.
I don't get it
"yo mama so ugly that your dad had to get a man"
insert train crashing into school bus meme
"I was at house eating dorito when phone ring"