I'm of average intelligence so if I can understand it, so can they.
The Crow (1994)
12 days. I'm traveling, staying in a hotel, and I really want to drink and my mind is making rational arguments to let me have just one or two as a reward.
Probably in the minority here and I'm not a fan of establishment Democrats, but his reasoning that Trump would use the shutdown to move without court interference seemed logical to me.
That, plus this guy doesn't care about you. He probably only wants a side piece to assuage his own unhappiness, and if you're OK with hurting a non-consenting third party (his family) for someone that doesn't care about you, then you need to look harder at your own values.
Hot honey
That's what you get for drinking jupiler
It could've lost about 20-30 minutes of runtime and been fine.
I, like you, will be migrating from Windows to ProxMox soon. Can you give a link to the guide you mentioned?
I'm sold, I'm gonna watch it.
Have you seen Fletch?
This is a smart and ethical way to include AI into everyday use, though I hope the watermarks are not easily removed.