I don't wanna overanalyze the meme, but it is irritating when you can't have a conversation with someone without their whole identity being based on whatever they've recently watched. Then if you haven't seen it, them uncreatively explaining the plot to you.
They would probably be more likely to stare at their phones instead of learning if they did.
I do think that having students sit at desks for hours at a time is not an effective way of teaching. Giving students different ways of learning is beneficial and more likely to motivate them. But that usually is more work and more expensive to do.
In an ideal world, every student would have an individualized, self paced learning program with a dedicated teacher. Unfortunately, that's not the case for nearly any student.
If schools only focused on what students were motivated to learn, I'm not sure schools would really be accomplishing much. Not to say that schools shouldn't foster motivation in students. Just that technology, especially social media, is very effective at distracting people.
You were not an asshole for saying thanks dude, but your comment after their reaction made you an asshole then. Your coworker's reaction was pretty strong though. Have you had issues with them before? I would try to apologize to them when you get a chance, maybe bring some coffee and donuts as consolation if you really wanna mend things.
Don't forget to do so in the alternate realities you discover too 😄
"A wizard is never early, nor is he late. He drops the beat precisely when he means to"
I'll adopt the hedgie
"Our patches? They've got skulls on them..."
Neither does Disney lol
Seems like a combination of a large number of TV projects, Solo not doing as well as they hoped, and the movie format seeming more like a gamble with the quality they have been putting out.
Yea I remember when people would just stand around the headphone booths in music stores and sample whatever new CDs came out that week. Maybe it was worse in the cassette tape era?
The headphones were gross. And to be honest, most albums only have a couple good songs anyway.
You reminded me of Toy Commander for that sort of map design. Lots of memories of it on Dreamcast.
Make it lemmy or rodent-related. Happy jump off a cliff day?
Sounds like https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=465864