[-] sw33tn0th1ng@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 1 points 11 months ago

To take a negative idea, which isn't actually based in any fact that you can display, and to spread that around as if it is a fact; that is the definition of fud.

[-] sw33tn0th1ng@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 2 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

You: what?, also you: I don't need an explanation, also you: what?


You always said you would do something when Kenny's corrupt fucking cronies in government moved to shut you, and all of us down! Now it's time to get off your ass! They are trying a back door 'rider' on the appropriations bill to completely ban SEC from enforcing any rules relating to a fair market! You cannot call yourself an ape and sit by while this happens! YOU NEED TO WRITE AND CALL YOUR CONGRESSMEN RIGHT FUCKING NOW! https://advocacy.urvin.finance/advocacy/we-the-investors-congressional-calling-campaign

All an official group would do is give "them" someone to attack. It would also help build a bullshit case for market manipulation. Because, you know, when ordinary people holds a stock that the organized shorting fraud racket wants them to sell, that's illegal market manipulation. Btw, I'm investing as heavily as I can in GME for years, and no clue what you are talking about with the 'miller eco-system'.

https://gme.crazyawesomecompany.com/ the number is stuck at 60.19%, it seems we are stuck here because they won't publicly report any higher numbers for fear of being sued by DTCC for contradicting any official fake numbers DTCC may have.

nice thanks for posting

I believe this is known as the 'both hands' spread.

It gets the people goin'!

I bought more on monday at 19. Since the price has gone down, I am sure my order will be filled at 19 lol (I've noticed that the fraud market fills computershare orders at the highest price available every time). I am really happy, since I know that even in the short term it will bounce to 24 and beyond again. Averaging down with a guaranteed 20% bump while we wait! good times!

kinda sounds like you're whining. Nothing personal. Buy, hodl, and DRS is not for the faint of heart. If you think everything is hopeless, and there is no point to anything, then there is probably no point in your commenting to that affect.

So you're an ape, and you DRS, but you don't see how DRS is going to do anything? is that it?

It's not stopped obviously. Apes, including me, continue to DRS. The numbers froze on gme.crazyawesomecompany.com at 60.19% because they can't publicly contradict the bullshit official fraud numbers of DTCC without risking a lawsuit.

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