Du kannst davon ausgehen, dass du auf alles in Deutschland irgendwelche Abgaben bezahlst
Any other argument is just plain wrong and negates history
There's some tendencies, but a ton of exceptions. I wouldn't call It strict rules.
Ist mir auch aufgefallen. Alles super fett eigentlich, wenig protein.
Trailerpark Boys
Yeah that is as far from normal as can be basically
I don't know what you do exactly, but I appreciate every single volunteer and the work they put in to make everyone's life better
Man, what a dumb comment.
They are unarmed and fear being shot, how the fuck is that cowering? It's just a bunch of teens trying to survive.
Yeah, exactly. People upvoted this take that won't work for 99.9999% of people lol
Oder es gibt einfach einige wenige, die radikal dagegen sind.
Beim Fußball gibt's auch Polizeischutz, ist das auch nicht akzeptiert?
Thanks for your service
I think it's two reasons
Memories can be shaky But mainly, lots of people on here are the young passionate people this post is talking about