As someone from Europe, he's absolutely not lmao
I would call it realistic instead of negative.
Yeah, you can get rich through ETFs but it's incredibly unlikely.
Die verbleibenden Mitarbeiter statt sinnvollen Dingen nur noch die Dinge tun, die sie in der Metrik gut da stehen lassen. Scheiß auf das, was die Firma/das Team gerade bräuchte
SAP ist so groß, dass locker 75% sowieso nicht das tun, was für das Unternehmen am besten wäre
The world is interesting, Geralt is a cool character to play, combat is nice enough, and first and foremost every quest is worth looking into.
The game has a ton of side quests that had more thought put into than the main quests of other games
Dann geht es deinem Geld auch nicht schlechter als wenn dus nicht in den ETF gesteckt hättest (auf lange Sicht)
Dagestan und Tschetschenien sind so islamistisch wie eine Region sein kann...
Yeah, it's literally just circlejerking the same dumb political views with different variations of "if you don't agree you're stupid"
Du würdest dich wundern wie einfach es ist Infrastruktur und Industrie stillzulegen.
Das ganze Zeug ist eigentlich offen wie ein Scheunentor.
There are absolutely people who are fat because of medical conditions but that is far from the majority.
I couldn't care less if someone is fat but let's be honest here
Sehe ich anders. Die bereichern sich da trotzdem auf Kosten der Allgemeinheit.
Which is why no one is running their own email server and people go to the platform that is easiest and most well known.
Firstly, Putin has decent support in spite of the elections being a sham.
Secondly, there's literally nothing else you can do to make a regime change happen from the outside. Except war, which no one wants.
So keep rolling your eyes in ignorance.