There is this one YT Series "Jet Lag" where three guys play catch in Europe using Trains. It's a lot of planning, checking what the travel options of the hunted one are, which trains he might take etc. It's a game of strategy, until they arrive in Germany at which point it litteraly becomes a clusterfuck of random trains.
Ich wuerde mal behaupten, dass man eher an den Folgen von uebermaessigem Alkoholkonsum stirbt, bevor das Glyphosat sich irgendwie auf die Gesundheit auswirkt.
Bald muessen diese Graphen Zeitreisen abbilden.
Und wer sagt dass es erstrebenswert ist auf der Kardashev Skala hochzuklettern? Ich hab mir auch eine Skala ausgedacht: die LittleToe-Skala. Stufe 1 sind Zivilisationen die sich einmal wöchentlich den kleinen Zeh stossen, Stufe 2 Zivilisationen stossen sich einmal taeglich den Zeh, und Stufe 3 einmal stuendlich. Moechtest du jetzt auch da moeglichst viele Stufen aufsteigen?
Hello from Germany. We just passed step 3.
Mit den liberalen Werten meinst du diese bunten Papierschnipsel mit den Bruecken drauf oder?
I just want to add that currently the extremist right polls quite high in Germany. In some states its the second largest party.
What else can you use the money from the climate and transformation fund for? Every sensible use is being blocked by the FDP. So use it for something that is necessary either way, rather than let it go to waste.
Infinite German flag? Sounds like an infinite German flag to me
Counterpoint, from a complex systems perspective:
We don't fully know or are able toodel the details of neurochemistry, but we know some essential features which we can model, action potentials in spiking neuron models for example.
It's likely that the details don't actually matter much. Take traffic jams as an example. There is lots of details going on, driver psychology, the physical mechanics of the car etc. but you only need a handful of very rough parameters to reproduce traffic jams in a computer.
That's the thing with "emergent" phenomena, they are less complicated than the sum of their parts, which means you can achieve the same dynamics using other parts.