Band: Iron Maiden Album: Iron Maiden Song: Iron Maiden
It looks like a CD to. Bro went and stapled his mixtape to a crab
It will be the inflection point where we hit exponential growth. A few days later we'll be at 1024% adoption as people start running VMS inside VMS of different distros
Not yet. But whoo boy, when it does...
I think the general rule is anything google acquired was good and anything they built themselves was bad and ended up getting killed.
There are exceptions but some of the only decent parts of google; maps, YouTube, AdWords were all acquisitions. I think they even just got HTC to build the pixel exclusively for them
I feel like Linux would be easier to pick up and use for a non power user starting from scratch like my mother-in-law. It's so much easier to download programs with the package manager and settings are so much easier to navigate
I thought I had a virus when I got a pop-up about Ubuntu pro. I thought all linux was free and there's no way I'd be getting ass for features I don't have
Why is the image so clear but the text is dogshit unreadable?
Detroiters was so good. I only watched a few episodes but they were bangers.
They're worried their parents will steal their dip
This won't happen to my kids. Their mother's toy is more dragon shaped
IDK, looks like his car's windows licence got revoked