Any room for punk DIY ethic here?
Holy fuck, what a racket.
Scots are so precious.
One of the special needs kids got naked in the bathroom, took a shit on the floor and rubbed it all over the walls and himself before strolling the halls ass naked and covered in his own shit. It was a wild scene, man.
Good satire works on multiple levels.
I'm not opposed to guns, but the idea of a less educated population having more of them doesn't quite sit right with me.
Hey, check it out, poop guy's in town!
Fucking Pearl Jam. I thought that was beans on a piece of toast.
You might be extra gay.
I'm sorry, Jon.
If we're being honest, I hate magazine less than I hate sublemmy.
Be a lot cooler if they did.
He wants a colorful amusement park RPG on rails that plays itself for him. He doesn't want to be bogged down by silly things like gameplay mechanics, he wants to paint by numbers.