
joined 1 month ago

Reminder to all Homeserver admins!

More info can be found in the TWIM post from this week(as well as last week): https://matrix.org/blog/2025/03/21/this-week-in-matrix-2025-03-21/

Personally, I've successfully setup the backend and frontend for my own HS which works great, meaning we're fully independent from the Matrix.org server. Documentation for the process is much improved compared to a few months ago.

[–] uxellodunum@lemmy.ml 1 points 7 hours ago

Settings - Labs - Opt into the Video Calls Beta. You'll now have a new call option which has screensharing. Works very well.

[–] uxellodunum@lemmy.ml 1 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

I'll disagree with it being too complicated, I've successfully managed to move my gaming community over, friends and even some family members, and response has been favorable over the past year (we had another attempt in late 2022 early 2023, but that didn't go well, so it's come a long way), and know of other similar situations from other HomeServers.

But I agree it needs some improvements and currently has some quirks, but all these are actively being worked on. From personal experience even those quirks are generally accepted however, when confronted with the sad reality of what is sacrificed by users using platforms like Discord. But one step at a time.

Edit: Forgot to add - You can screenshare without being on a call, it's currently in testing and works well but can be activated under Labs (Settings).

[–] uxellodunum@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Element already has screensharing.

[–] uxellodunum@lemmy.ml 6 points 2 days ago

Already moved my community to Matrix/Element last year. Haven't looked back.

[–] uxellodunum@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I'm assuming you're just running bare-metal, in which case no GPU passthrough would be needed. From what you've mentioned, everything seems about right so not much more to say - But on the UI department I do agree most apps could use some polish. I'd really recommend you try to replicate, get the logs, and forward them either to the Jellyfin Forums or their troubleshooting Matrix room (or both!), as people are generally quite helpful. Best of luck!

[–] uxellodunum@lemmy.ml 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

Switch to GrapheneOS with a profile for sandboxed GServices. There's a github repo tracking banking app compatibility on GrapheneOS(GrapheneOS is quite secure while some banking apps require phones to be LESS secure) so check that first.

[–] uxellodunum@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 days ago

Jellyfin + Arr* Suite == chillin' and singing shanties in the high seas.

[–] uxellodunum@lemmy.ml 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

Nice to see Matrix's Element client on there. Has definitely become my go-to and even managed to get friends, family, and my gaming community on there, replacing Discord entirely

Don't get the EU flag though, we should be pushing for global sovereign alternatives. Thos could indicate the inverse in that these applications/platforms are not useable outside EU which is incorrect, and unfortunate.

[–] uxellodunum@lemmy.ml 3 points 3 days ago (3 children)

You mention about 3 different issues, but files not playing is definitely a config/file issue, not a Jellyfin issue. I've thrown at it pretty much any standard format and it plays it fine. Any specific format and/or codec you're trying to play? For instance AV1 files play just fine on Jellyfin, but if the hardware doesn't support hardware decoding (which is the case foe my Nvidia Shield) it won't play well at all.

Regarding Jellyfin's themes, not saying no to some improvements, but what stops you(or others) from using it?

I personally use Jellyfin for multiple hours a day (as do friends and family, with zero complaints), almost every day and it plays my media on literally any platform (including remotely), but I don't find myself looking at Jellyfin per se for any large amount of that time - It's easy to navigate which from a UX perspective generally trumps looks when it comes to these things. I like how it looks as it's functional and easy to get to the media you want whilst showing all the nice metadata (images, sinopses, etc). What's missing?

[–] uxellodunum@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Been using Jellyfin to share media with family and friends, locally and remotely, for a couple years. Very happy and can recommend.

[–] uxellodunum@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Odysee did/does something interesting where if one uses the desktop client, the video gets streamed and cached, and then seeded back over a configurable amount of time. I could see creator's communities being self-sustainable this way.

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