[-] volvoxvsmarla@lemm.ee 5 points 1 day ago

I've been taking the wrong dosage of my thyroid medication since November because I postpone calling the doctor all the time

[-] volvoxvsmarla@lemm.ee 5 points 1 day ago

Yeah because they are going to steal your most beloved jobs! Like cleaning and fast food cooking and everyone's childhood career dream of being a toilet lady.

For real though, I could at least follow the logic if it were for high paying, competitive jobs. But these aren't the migrants you are trying to keep out, in fact it is the one every country wants to get in. So why are the migrants the problem who are going to live in relative poverty, agreeing to wage theft, agreeing to horrible living conditions? The ones who won't hardly have enough for a pension.

Also, there is nothing wrong with cleaning, fast food cooking, or toilet ladies. All the more power to them. It is a fucking disgrace that we regard certain unpleasant jobs (that will still need to be done) as low skill, low class, and award them with the lowest pay possible.

[-] volvoxvsmarla@lemm.ee 4 points 1 day ago

Out of interest, what do you mean with textured vegetable protein?

[-] volvoxvsmarla@lemm.ee 19 points 1 day ago

I am always amazed how everyone is so focused on billionaires only

[-] volvoxvsmarla@lemm.ee 1 points 2 days ago

There's the German movie Drei by Tom Tykwer which is a perfect triangle in that sense

[-] volvoxvsmarla@lemm.ee 7 points 3 days ago

Tell me more. How do I make my feet look popping? How do I even get started? I feel I could live with having slutty feet that give me some income

[-] volvoxvsmarla@lemm.ee 3 points 5 days ago
[-] volvoxvsmarla@lemm.ee 101 points 1 week ago

Dude did you just reveal his identity and ruin his secret streak?

[-] volvoxvsmarla@lemm.ee 136 points 2 weeks ago

It's bizarre to me that harcore vegans want to own a pet to begin with. Keeping bees for honey is bad, but separating a kitten from its mother at an early age and castrating it for your convenience and deciding how they live (restricted to an apartment or not) is totally fine?

I understand that most pets live a good life, but man, I can't bring myself to make choices like these. I mean there are ways to circumvent it (get an older cat from an asylum for example) but it doesn't really remove the "pet dilemma" to me.


This is both a shower thought and a stupid question but I think it fits this community better.

Since air conditioning is apparently heating the local environment while cooling down a house I was asking myself whether it would be possible to basically either build a layer of glass/plexiglass right over the actual outer structure of a house, leaving a tiny gap between wall and glass, or at least put a house in a kind of glasshouse dome with a double glass wall. And consequently inject a sulfur compound, calcite etc into that "gap", basically creating a very tiny micro-atmosphere that has that sun blocking effect.

Would that work, just logically/technically? Would the environment heat up less, more, or just the same as with geoengineering in the stratosphere? Would it even cool down a house/keep it cool at all?

[-] volvoxvsmarla@lemm.ee 195 points 2 months ago

I'm sorry but when I read "pride month is defeated" in the context of a heterosexual engagement my mind immediately assumes the dude is a closeted homosexual who chose her as his beard instead of coming out. And this is how he "defeated pride". By choosing a heteronormative lifestyle over his actual preferences.

The most optimistic scenario my head can come up with to make the sentence make sense would be that she's bisexual and because of him she chose to commit to a heteronormative relationship.

In any way, for a lack of a better term, putting your engagement in context of defeating pride makes you look quite gay.

[-] volvoxvsmarla@lemm.ee 102 points 4 months ago

I don't expect elections to deliver the result I want, I want my vote to count

Although a lot of the other points deserve (more?) attention, I just want to share this because I never thought how hard this would feel.

I'm in my early 30s and come from a very apolitical family. About 1.5 months ago I voted for the first time in my life. At an embassy in the fraudulent Russian election.

Of course I knew my vote would not count. I always knew that every Russian election since I was a kid was a fraud. I did it for a statement and to partake in an event that resembled a demonstration, to do the limited thing I can do. But I would have never imagined that feeling that would hit me once I had actually voted.

After standing in line and passing the security checkpoints and ruining the bulletin (which in theory should count as a vote against everyone in the percentages). Once it was done. I was... furious, enraged, desperate. Much more than I thought. On a rational level I knew my vote didn't matter. The results were already calculated no matter what. Even before I got in line. No matter whether I had smuggled in my non erasable pen or not. But once I had actually voted for the first time, I didn't want anything more than this vote to count. Not to win, just for someone to acknowledge that bulletin. I felt so angry and helpless and I wanted to scream until my lungs would start to bleed.

So, yes, this freaking matters. I hope none of you will ever feel this way after voting. And for the love of God, if you have a passport of a country who has somewhat fair elections, please go vote.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by volvoxvsmarla@lemm.ee to c/fragfeddit@feddit.de

Leute, ich bin einfach zu blöd zum googlen.

Ich würde gerne an mehr Demos teilnehmen bzw mich informieren, wann wo was stattfindet. Ob München, Leipzig oder Berlin - ich schaffe es einfach nicht, eine Liste mit angekündigten Demos in meiner Nähe zu finden. Demos müssen doch eigentlich angemeldet werden, müsste es dann nicht ein Einfaches sein, für jede Stadt eine Liste zu finden? Bis vor Kurzen habe ich noch in München gewohnt und hätte gedacht, dass auf münchen.de sowas doch gelistet sein müsste, aber ich hab nie was gefunden.

Immer wenn ich so etwas google, finde ich aber nur Nachrichten zu vergangenen Demos. Mit ganz viel Glück habe ich vor knapp zwei Jahren mal einen oder zwei Tage vorher einen Artikel gelesen, in dem Aktionen gegen den Krieg in der Ukraine angekündigt wurden.

Vielleicht kann mir hier ja jemand weiterhelfen. Gerade habe ich wieder versucht, etwas zu finden in Leipzig oder Berlin am 24. Februar, und stoße schon wieder nur auf alte Artikel.

Edit: Vielen Dank für die Antworten und die Links! Sie helfen sehr weiter. Vielleicht laufen wir uns ja mal bei einer der Aktionen über den Weg.


I am looking for a term to describe the line of thinking that goes something like "I hate my work, I am sick all the time, I am depressed, I can't find happiness. But I should be happy. Those problems don't matter. All my problems are so insignificant, there are little. They're just some stupid first world problems. I have it good, I have food on the table and a loving family. There are millions of people who have real problems, people living in severe poverty, starving to death, being bombed."

I think about this often, it came up when I was talking with someone with mental health issues and I remember him telling me that this way of thinking has a name/is a common symptom that occurs in people with a specific personality disorder, although I cannot remember what disorder he claimed it was. Also this was more than ten years ago so it might have either changed or my memory of this event changed.

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