
joined 1 month ago

I’m planning to learn Spanish from Spain and French from France.

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 4 points 1 day ago

She’s in a relationship with everyone

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 3 points 1 day ago

NTA (and Ashlyn is). Ashlyn is needlessly rude to Lena and probably always has been rude to her.

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 1 points 2 days ago

I’d say this too

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

thanks!! if used with just “hang dead”, is it telling someone to hang dead??


It feels wrong to jump into a relationship after trying to get over someone and not fully being over them, so I’m gonna wait a while before I pursue this girl and will break up if I just can’t move on.

I don’t want to break up, but I’ll have to for a while, so I hope I can get over the crush soon so we can both date :3

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

That’s the thing, IDK if I want to be with her or not. I do but IDK

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

I forgot to say, Karl is a crush, not an ex. I liked him but he started being a jerk after befriending his ex who hates me

Okay, he’s not really a jerk. He’s nice and rude because of the ex, and the ex told me Karl hates me because the ex is a bitch.

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by voytek709@lemmy.ca to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

So I (18NB, 18MTF) started dating this really nice girl (17F) who I’ve known at my school for a while.

I told everyone I know about her, I like her, she likes me. However, I’m still not completely over Karl (even though he’s been kind of an ass TBH since he started being friends with his ex.)

I told her if I couldn’t move on, I would have to break up with her and couldn’t go out with her if I had a crush on someone else.

I’m aware I told her about all these things, like going to a restaurant, having fun at the arcade, kissing her, etc, but now I’m having second thoughts and I guess she’s upset.

The last time we talked, she asked me about our relationship and I told her to stop talking about it. She did, I guess, but won’t talk at all now.

Update: A new message reads “I really hope this will work out. I love you ❤️. Also, please know that if it doesn’t, I won’t talk for a while, but it’s not because I’m mad at you. I just need to process things, especially with my depression and all.”

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 1 points 2 days ago (5 children)

In this context, do you think it means “I will kill you by hanging”? How would you use “hang dead” in a sentence?

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

”Hang dead” isn’t really slang, and it means to kill someone by hanging. You might hear it said in a Western. It was likely a threat.

as another comment said

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 12 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

It means they want her to hang from a rope/belt and die. Yes, it is a threat, it seems to be like saying “I hope you die.”

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 2 points 3 days ago

I’d say dystopian works. As for the other genres, I’m not sure. The story takes place in the future with advanced technology and deals with war.

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 1 points 4 days ago

I’m probably the second youngest, I just turned 18 earlier this year.

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (1 children)

This user, I believe is around 14.

Their friends mentioned are all 14 and one 13, so I’d also assume if these are close friends, that OP is 13 or 14 as well.

Edit: A post from 2 months ago states they’re 13, and that would be sometime in January before the 13th most likely. OP’s bio says Jan 25th, so they probably turned 14 and are in 8th grade.


So, yes, I still like Karl, the guy I’ve been talking about, but I can be attracted to more than one person.

So, Nichole (17F) and I (18nb) have been talking a lot more recently. We’ve been friends since sophomore year (she was a freshman) but we haven’t really talked until recently.

I started to gain feelings for her after we did more stuff together, like calling.

Quite recently, we were discussing sex, and she said she would be down to have sex with me.

She also said that we could date if I wanted to, but if I didn’t see her that way, we could just be friends with benefits.


So, I (18nb) have posted about Karl (18m) before. I’ve had a huge crush on him for a while. Everything about him is so hot.

I’m into him in many different ways, which has never happened before (but obviously I want to try for romantic).

Buuut, after we go our separate ways due to going to different universities, we aren’t gonna see each other ever.

I will also probably be going to a different town, and I only had a few classes with him which I don’t anymore.

I’ve tried possibly going to his house and arranging dates to hang out but he’s really busy with athletics and I can’t text him because he doesn’t use his phone.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by voytek709@lemmy.ca to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I used to swear a lot. I decided to not swear at all (except for possibly mild swears), instead replacing most swears with minced oaths.

My family is Christian and I would get yelled at for swearing even if it just slipped out. So far, I don’t swear unless I’m feeling a strong emotion or acting impulsively, but I’ll usually say things like “F/eff” or “fudge” instead of the F-word.

I like to be “creative”, so my go-tos are usually “Go fudge yourself”, or “What the cluck?”

I might say “mother lover” instead of MF

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by voytek709@lemmy.ca to c/norge@lemmy.world

Beklager det tilfeldige spørsmålet, jeg laget et fellesskap på norsk for LHBT-personer og jeg bestemte meg for å spørre her fordi jeg vet at andre steder på Lemmy snakker engelsk/snakker ikke norsk.


Jeg er Voytek. Jeg er eieren av dette fellesskapet og jeg er ikke-binære og bifile

Jeg lærer fortsatt norsk men jeg elsker språket


Hi Aurora, I got your message that you made this. Can I moderate this one?


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