
joined 1 month ago
[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 1 points 4 days ago

I can finally test out, используя русский and английский

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 1 points 4 days ago

Yeah, probably not

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 4 points 4 days ago

True, I guess I was just in disbelief. Thank God for my previous posts 😓 I guess I already know the answer then, just that some people are FWB

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Eh, it’s not too loud 🤷

I could tolerate it at full volume.

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 4 points 1 week ago
[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 4 points 1 week ago

Oh nice! That makes sense. My grandfather and dad are conservative, so I think it’s kind of a force of habit to me

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 5 points 1 week ago

I forking love this

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 2 points 1 week ago

I could make one!

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Hvordan går det med læring?

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 2 points 2 weeks ago

I don’t have accounts for either, I guess I could make some though! :)

[–] voytek709@lemmy.ca 3 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

What’s your native language?


To add more lightheartedness to this community, I’m so excited for my friend Karl to not be sick so I can see him.

(I may not know if he likes me or not, and he may act a little strange, but I know he likes me as a friend and that’s great!)

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by voytek709@lemmy.ca to c/bisexual@lemmy.world

I’m 18nb but amab, guy I like (Karl) is 18M and quite religious.

He seems to be fine with LGBT and makes a lot of gay jokes (he flirts with all his friends except me, save the one time he said I was cute) but also has a religious family + culture and internalized homophobia.

He calls the guys his boyfriend/hubby and the girls his girlfriend/wifey as a joke. He also calls them hot or smacks their butt/holds their hand (consensually) but seems shyer/less willing around me.

I know he’s not straight because he went out with a guy, so I at least have some sort of chance with him.

Anyway, regardless of whether or not he actually likes me, he was very reluctant to admit it to his now ex-boyfriend, and with religious parents and internalized homophobia, I’m not sure how to follow through if I do confess.


There’s this guy I’m friends with (18M) and he flirts with all his friends and jokes around with them, except for me.

He certainly doesn’t hate me. He sits by me, talks to me, asks me questions, and smiles when he sees me. He also considers me a friend.

We were talking about foreign languages together, and he brought up that I want to learn their language to his family :)

He’s also in some Honors classes that I’m not in, so he helps me with the work, and I help him in return with English (literature).

Maybe it’s just awkward for him?

I should perhaps add that I don’t have many classes with him, and the classes I do have with him, I’m quite shy (but working on it). He also appears to have slight internalized homophobia with a religious family. (So he’s fine with LGBT but is homophobic towards himself and denies it.)

Obviously, he’s fine with making gay jokes and secretly dated a guy (only his friends knew) but he was very shy and discreet about it. I should probably also add that even though he usually flirts with his friends (because of this, some of his exes thinks he’s into them despite treating most people like this), he seemed to be more serious/shy and less flirty with his partners (especially the guy), with a shy “I love you” sometimes.

Despite me being nonbinary, I’m AMAB and therefore most people see me as male, though I’m not sure about him (I haven’t come out to him yet as im fine with any gender/pronouns but several people have referred to me with they or she and he was in the vicinity.)


I was going to make a community like this on Lemmy, it’s like if someone had the username shitballs69 but posted actual helpful advice


lemmy.ca, my instance, is the only one I can load. When I try to browse other Lemmy instances, it just shows a white screen or says my browser can’t open the page.


Everyone is different. Some people who are non binary but lean/present as feminine might use feminine words, but others I’ve seen use the masculine because they think modifying the grammar is complicated.

I personally use the gender-neutral modified language, like using elle in Spanish.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by voytek709@lemmy.ca to c/bisexual@lemmy.world

Marilyn Monroe and The Fonz, my childhood crushes


I heard two people arguing about whether or not someone farted.


Jeg vet at mange nordmenn snakker engelsk i tillegg til norsk, men er det et annet språk?


Maybe it’s because a lot of them are girls, but they’re like this with guys too. They are very touchy with each other, but it seems awkward if it’s with me.

I’ve asked for permission and they said they don’t like physical contact, so I obviously don’t.

My friends overall seem closer with each other than with me, but I just find it kind of interesting that they make physical contact a lot but not with me (ex: hugging, holding hands, grabbing arm, etc.)

If someone could help me out, that’d be greatly appreciated! I’m not trying to judge, I genuinely don’t understand, which is why I’m asking here. I do understand some cases such as: “Sorry, I only really allow my boyfriend to do that stuff with me”.


Sorry for the random question.

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