They're cops. They don't get training. Just a gun.
I don't believe a single cop out there has ever taken their oath seriously. ACAB
They won't but even if they hypothetically tried to, I doubt they could. We're talking about Marshalls who have spent their career in the DoJ working alongside and for the Executive Branch. The courts try to tell the AG to order the Marshalls to do something and the AG refuses. So the courts try to deputize the Marshalls and give direct orders and we're to expect the Marshalls will go against the people they've been loyal to their entire careers?
China hasn't been a communist country in a long time. That was the whole point of the Deng reforms.
Again, both are shitty. In fact, not just both, but all. All hierarchical power structures are just plain evil. I'm not interested in parsing which evil is more evil. The Chinese government is an evil institution. The US government is an evil institution.
Well, there are a hell of a lot of Christians, Jews, and Muslims alive right now who aren't actively trying to kill each other. Mostly, they just let others go about living their lives. It's only the radical fundamentalists who try to kill others.
Wouldn't ever even come to that, at least not under the current Trump administration.
Yes, the US Marshall Service is technically the enforcement arm of the judiciary, but they're under the Department of Justice and answer directly to the US Attorney General. The DoJ is part of the Executive Branch and the AG is a member of the Cabinet appointed by the President. The current AG is Pam Bondi, who is a VERY close Trump ally who's been working for him in various ways as a lawyer since at least 2019.
The Supreme Court doesn't order the Marshall Service to do anything. They send a request to the AG, who then gives orders to the Marshall Service. Even under previous administrations it would have been incredibly difficult to imagine the circumstance where the AG would order the Marshalls to arrest a member of the Executive Branch, and it's just never going to happen under Trump.
I meant, is hosting it locally something someone without a coding background can do easily
Not while remaining faithful to their religion. A core tenant of all three faiths you named is that their God (which are all different interpretations of the same god) is the ONLY god and you cannot recognize any other god.
Of course, there have always been varying interpretations of each faith. Christianity, especially, has lent itself to syncretism quite well. There have been (and still are) many cultures where the people would identify themselves as Christian, but see no contradiction in also recognizing aspects of other faiths, including sometimes gods (although they might call them some other word).
If you're following any of the major, world-recognized denominations of Christianity, Judaism, or Islam (eg Catholicism, Protestantism, Sunni Islam, Orthodox Judaism, Shia Islam, etc) then, no, you cannot worship pagan gods. But there are smaller versions of each religion which do.
Why do you have to pick one or the other? Can we not recognize that the governments of western nations and the government of China are all evil institutions that cause far more harm than they ever could benefit?
This is just pure Chinese state propaganda. Taiwan has been an independent country since 1949.
If the state represented the people, why does the Chinese government kill workers who try to organize so damn much? It's because the state =/= the people. What you described is just capitalism where the state is one of the capitalist class. The difference with the US is that the US government is owned by the capitalist class rather than being one of it.