There absolutely are not. There are anemic little marches scattered here and there.
Americans were protesting George Bush in 2004 more forcefully and in vastly larger numbers than they are protesting now.
There absolutely are not. There are anemic little marches scattered here and there.
Americans were protesting George Bush in 2004 more forcefully and in vastly larger numbers than they are protesting now.
However they’re told to feel
Some assholes gave the US a bloody nose and America spent the next quarter decade trying to stop the bleeding by continuously stabbing itself in the heart
My department runs 12 overseas study abroad programs annually- last week we put our US program on indefinite hiatus.
The US no longer has laws, just grievances to be addressed arbitrarily.
So the options are:
Seems there’s a third option that also happens to be the only legitimate one.
Can we get this guy another stroke, please?
Why wouldn’t he? He’s faced zero opposition and his base feels safe and comfortable.
One on digital media literacy and another on the history of Canadian pop culture- both written for ESL/EFL learners with intensive reading and fluency practice as major components.
And Americans will whine for a minute, repeat the “What am I expected to do?” line and then go on about their day.
“The revolution will be bloodless, if the left allows it to be.”
From where I’m standing, “the left,” such as it is, is very much allowing it to be.
What are they doing that isn’t easily ignored?