that’d be nice
it’s still better that he did than didn’t…
no no, let’s just pretend that everyone left of ultra-right are neoliberals… a very narrowly defined political ideology… everything else just falls under the straw man of neoliberalism…
i’m american. i’m pretty sure it should say “it can oxidize on my donkey”… for no reason.
i think some people just can’t be fixed with weed, unfortunately
as much as i hate musk, him smoking a blunt was one of the few good things he’s done.
no. and tor was originally funded by the navy…
died under mysterious circumstances… also i killed him
it wasn’t liberals warning them
if men display feelings, they’re seen as bitches by men, and weak by women (exceptions exist, but generally speaking).
basically, a piece of toxic masculinity….
men are only allowed to display emotions of anger or mild happiness.
i think this is a big reason why sports are so popular… it’s more about camaraderie than anything else.
also why they like to get drunk and say “i love you man” and all that mushy stuff.
in a nutshell: because they’re taught to be that way.
in middle school, a girl in my grade died at summer band camp from a bee sting….
a group of girls called me to tell me she wanted to be her boyfriend. i declined, as it wasn’t the first time i had the joke girlfriend trick played on me…
but i guess the prank was, i was supposed to say yes, then be heartbroken when i found out she was dead…
instead i was heartbroken that anyone would try to do that to anyone.
i wouldn’t just go around telling people that…