A few weak men are indeed making very hard times
Fuck Niko, fuck mark cuban fake selling to trump supporters who don’t give a fuck about basketball, and fuck the nba. Why was there no physical to approve this trade? I’m fucking done. As a mavs fan I will no longer watch the nba
Two years of luka basketball with the mavs absolutely outweighs this trade. One year of luka basketball (the rest of this season) absolutely outweighs this trade. The mavs, being upset about his conditioning could have literally shopped around the league for more than this crap. This is a complete and utter failure on behalf of the mavs and in my opinion a sell out from the new owners who don’t care about the future of this franchise and don’t want to pay luka his super max contract he very much deserves. I am a Mavs fan so all of this is extremely raw, but it’s so hard for me to see this as any other way than how I see it right now
As far as I've seen penalties have never been able to be challenged or reviewed to see if they were correctly called. Seems like they’re going to make that a possibility for “replay assist” to take a look at. Hopefully it doesn’t end up like the pass interference challenging rule that they added a few years back when the officials overwhelmingly decided to ignore by just staying with the call on the field.
I used to push carts at a liquor store. The amount of times I had to wave cars away so I could push the carts up the ramp was insane. There’s 100 parking spots 50 feet away, pick one!
God damn James Franklin man.
More cfbp overtime please!!
I’ve felt this way in all professional sports with any sort of challenge/review process. But if the replay can’t determine if a call is right or wrong (stands as called). I personally don’t believe it should be an unsuccessful challenge. No outcome could be determined via replay. So they should in my opinion not lose a timeout or challenge for challenging the call. I personally get annoyed with “the call stands” and you get punished when they couldn’t even clearly determine that their call was correct.
What a run from klubnik
Worst part is also, isn’t this roughing the passer also with contact to the head of Darnold also? Or is he out of the pocket so it doesn’t count? Idk. Still insane to miss this
They also just completely don’t care about basketball. They are there to collect a paycheck, nothing more than an investment to them. Anywhere they go should be weary of their true intentions