Yes. You need to won in lottery if you want to go a therapy xD
Windows 10/11 happened.
Yes, my favorite scifi show :)
I posted news about Gnome + Shaman employee and it got deleted. It was legit article..
En kyllä ihmettele ottaen huomioon noiden kiinaluurien laadun. Oispa entistä Nokiaa.
A religion where women are beaten and people are blown up for fun. Islam is like a cancer of all modern religions. I must check how many down votes I get in next 12h.
My family wasn't rich and I didn't have many luxuries, but I still claim to have been much happier than many children who live in this hectic world where everything is so superficial. 90% of ordinary people don't even dare to have an opinion anymore if it's not exactly what the mainstream represents.
For me there is only two distros. They are Arch an Debian. But that is only me. I don't think that any of those distros are overreted they just have their own user types and needs.
I played New Vegas over 150+hours on my last run and -50 of those hours was just installing mods and testing them :D
This. I hate to charge my headphones everyday