Makes sense, the dwp and jobs centres are absolute black holes of shit. If you are lucky you might live in a place where the jobseeker overseers aren't absolute bastards and are quite lax on requirements.
Disabled and out of work and don't even want to touch trying to get PIP after being denied access to jobseekers for not working enough. Entire system is made to make you feel like you're desperately going cap in hand for scraps which they can deny you for bullshit. I fear what it would do to my mental considering work made me suicidal because of how hard it was for me to keep up a facade of being "with it".
Plus access to work, applied for it at the start of my 1 year fixed term contract, took them 14 months to get back to me so I got nothing, they just closed my case.
Fed uk is so bad lmao, the uk subs are absolutely trash and I don't expect anything sensible to come out of it
Marx's Capital mentions at one point that the working class in Manchester were reliant on drugs like opium to cope with their insane working conditions and poor life/housing conditions.
It's not a new thing at all.
The spectrum of autism isn't mild to disabling.
It's a spectrum of presenting symptoms. What "functional autism" is, is a constellation of symptoms that means you can just about navigate the world as expected by neurotypical people. "Non-functioning" autism or "profound" autism are where the constellation of symptoms makes you unable to function in the world. This is more often than not inclusive of non-verbal autisms and poor motor control autisms.
"Functional" autism can be disabling for the individual in certain conditions - they may be completely unable to read social cues, or be severely impacted by certain stimulatory environments.
The "functionality is entirely reliant on the US". I.e. in order for Trident to function we need missiles from the US to carry the atomic warheads and we need to spend money every few years to replace old and out of date missiles. If the US decided to stop selling us the missiles Trident would cease to function. Ergo they have outsized control over our nuclear deterrent.
Trident's functionality is entirely reliant on the US.
Our nuclear deterrent is the US's nuclear deterrent but it's parked in Scotland to have access to Russia's western front.
Article is complete nonsense from the jump.
When the west give as much of a shit about the Muslims in their own countries as they do Muslims in China I'll give these clowns a modicum of time.
Absolute insane suggestion that completely ignores the reasons why Russia invaded Ukraine in the first place.
"Our report just said there were risks, we didn't actually say you were using slave labour!"
What a fucking crock of shit. Chat shit get banged.
Nazi removed go follow your leader