More likely just plain old US assets tbh.
If Russia had all this intel on these old fucks then they'd have released it already.
More likely just plain old US assets tbh.
If Russia had all this intel on these old fucks then they'd have released it already.
But equally racialised minorities are still the people that bare the brunt of the systematic violence of Capitalism and the state repression. In this instance as an example this is targeted at Muslims, but in the racialised sense any person of MENA or Indian subcontinent ethnic origin (or who looks like it).
Zero possibility that this friend lied?
Some people love to lie especially if it gets a rise out of people. "Defectors" including the likes of Yeonmi Park from the DPRK also are financially incentivised to lie. I know people that lie about shit in the UK to make things sound worse than it is, and they will swear up and down it's true after being called out on it.
If you're willing to give the us government even a shred of forgiveness despite constantly proving they're completely undemocratic, you should look into how Chinese governance actually works and see why the CPC has such high approval ratings from the population.
Me when my government bans a historically popular app: those Chinese ain't democratic like us!
Starmer and the rest of Labour besides a few good eggs deserve no respect.
Obviously this doesn't mean the press don't have a distorted way of presenting Labour relative to how they presented the Tory govs failings.
I'd rather the British public lose all hope in a future with any of the current political offerings than hold out hope for a neoliberal Labour party that are out of their depth. The sooner the farce and sham bourgeois democracy is realised for what it is by the masses the better. No more managed decline.
I think it's recognition as an equal being on equal footing worthy of equal respect, not as an object of domination. In that equality the master can recognise themselves unalienated, and see themselves as a person worthy of respect in their own right. What worth is the respect gained from a slave who you dominate mentally and physically? It's an incomplete recognition in its own right that doesn't see the master as the full human they are as well.
Losurdo's "Class Struggle" talks a lot about the multiplicity of class struggles through this lense.
Happy to be corrected on the above by any Hegel pros.
The last time any of those things were won by the working class they had come home angry and fed up fighting a war, and were ready to demand at least some concessions from the ruling class. These concessions were granted because the capitalists were terrified that an even angrier working class that knew how to use weapons and fight in an army would lead to a 1917 Russian revolution situation.
Until the same style of conditions exist I don't think the working class are in any kind of place to just demand better from the capitalist class. Hopefully the next time we don't just accept a bribe and let the next generation(s) eat shit while lapping it up.