Why would that be wrong?
Capitalism with checks and balances is not socialism.
This is why not
"Secularism means the freedom to emancipate oneself through school," Mr Attal told TF1
Seems pretty reasonable to me.
Nothing like a side of antisemitism and genocide denial with your antivax bullshit.
People should be informed of that too. I'd bet more people eat meat thinking it's healthy then eat french fries thinking it's healthy. Let people make informed choices for themselves. You can't do that if you don't have the information.
I had a craving for a donair pizza the other day but couldn't find any place that would deliver one in Toronto. Maybe that is a Calgary specific thing.
People should be informed about the carcinogens in meat too.
Naw, metric for everything except cooking temp and body weight.
Be the change you want to see in the world :)
You a worm?
Sometimes I hear of Gen X including right up to 82 or 83