Off My Chest

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1. The "good" part of our community means we are pro-empathy and anti-harassment. However, we don't intend to make this a "safe space" where everyone has to be a saint. Sh*t happens, and life is messy. That's why we get things off our chests.

2. Bigotry is not allowed. That includes racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and religiophobia. (If you want to vent about religion, that's fine; but religion is not inherently evil.)

3. Frustrated, venting, or angry posts are still welcome.

4. Posts and comments that bait, threaten, or incite harassment are not allowed.

5. If anyone offers mental, medical, or professional advice here, please remember to take it with a grain of salt. Seek out real professionals if needed.

6. Please put NSFW behind NSFW tags.

founded 2 years ago

I just learned that George Foreman died recently. And while I'm not a big fan of boxing and his grills were okay to have used when I shared one with a roommate. I just got that feeling all over me again that the world is once again a little more greyer.

There are just some people whom we lost, that brought color to the world or made you go "well at least we still have this guy around!". It gets harder to say that because all of our heroes and inspirations are getting older and older and dying every year. To where we're going to be left with whatever today's stars are and even though I'm not that up there in age, but I'm not really that impressed with today's generation of stars.

It's like today's generation of stars took for granted, the paths that have been paved for them by bigger and better people, while pretending they made that path. It's entitlement.

All I can say is enjoy who we have left, because we'll never know when it'll come around again another big name falls.


Most people will probably disagree and say that I shouldn't be here if I don't like it, but yeah, like the title said. I switched over from Reddit for various reasons, and at first it was nice, but now it's making me depressed just casually browsing Lemmy. Everything here is so drab and negative, sometimes even downright hateful. Everything sucks, here's a list of companies you should never use, here's people that do horrible things, here's a bunch of complaints about stuff. This is why the world sucks, this is why your favourite thing is actually stupid, this is why you shouldn't enjoy xyz anymore.

At least half of the content on Lemmy is about American politics or how they affect the rest of the world, even on meme and shitpost subs you can't escape from the constant barrage of politically charged content. And when it's not American politics it's American lifestyle, like I get that america dominates the internet but I sincerely do not give a shit about your egg prices or your celebrities when I'm browsing memes to wind down.

And on top of that there's a distinct arrogance that permeates the fediverse, where people act like they're better than others for being conscious, and you're stupid for not boycotting 99 percent of brands and eating vegan and ditching cars and using european FOSS applications on refurbished Linux devices, etc.

Honestly I'm baffled when people ask stuff like "why don't more people join Lemmy?" Because I honestly would not recommend it to my friends. While it's nice in some ways, it is also so very exhausting, and for me personally, worse for my mental health than Reddit ever was.

Rant over and obligatory disclaimer: I did not mean to insult anyone, I don't have anything against the ideologies and lifestyles mentioned in my post, I simply wanted to share my personal opinions.


I've always thought ghosting was a terrible thing to do to someone, and now that I've experienced it for the first time I know for sure how fucked up it is.

We went on multiple dates and everything was going great (or was it? that's the type of doubt ghosting puts in your head), we had no issues in person or in text, but more than no issues we seemed to have a lot of chemistry and things in common. Then one day she never texted me back again. I spend a fucking week agonizing over it. Will she text me back? Maybe she's just busy! (Too busy to take 30s from her week to say "Hey, I'm a bit busy and don't feel like texting. I'll let you know when I have time"?) Should I text her again or is it better to wait? I did text her once more - a few days after, when I saw something that I wanted to share with her and thought it was a good opportunity to restart the conversation, give her another chance to reply. She never responded.

I've seen so many excuses for it, and none of them are valid. Maybe two:

  1. You are in an actively abusive relationship and so you just disappear.

  2. You are in a comma.

No other reason justifies it. Afraid the other person won't take it well? You can still block them afterwards and go no contact, but that's not ghosting anymore because you actually gave them closure. I doubt any psycho out there is thinking "damn, they ghosted me. I guess they really mean it then, as opposed to if they just told me they're not interested anymore". Some people say "I don't owe anyone anything" - yeah, neither does anyone else, but we still hold doors for strangers because it's the decent fucking thing to do, jackass. Just like it's basic fucking curtsy to tell someone when you're no longer interested in talking to them instead of leaving them to figure it out.

One way or another, I have to deal with the rejection. The difference is that if I get ghosted then I also have to go through a horrible period of agony before dealing with the rejection (how long varies case by case), and in the end there's also humiliation on top. Humiliation that comes from the realization that while I was agonizing over her, she had probably already forgotten me and moved on. It's humiliating and makes it me feel like trash.

And it's fucking poisonous as well. At least if the connection was short lived and all positive, because there's no negative to grab on to. All my memories of the situation are positive. Or at least they seemed that way to me, but this is the kind of poisonous toxic doubt that ghosting leaves you in. Because I can't think of any negatives, now I'm paranoid about what I might have said or done, and whenever I go on another date I'll be hyper-aware and super self conscious about everything I do and say. I won't be able to fully relax and be myself, and if it happens again I might just ended shielding myself and become incapable of making connections out of a fear it will keep happening.

The only certainties I have is that the last week was agony, and now I'll carry the scar with me for at least the next few dates I go on. For some people these periods of time are much longer.

And all this could have been solved with a simple "Hey, I'm sorry but I'm not really interested in pursing this anymore, so I want to end things here." If she had done that, I could have gone through the grieving period a week ago and completely skipped the agony and trust issues.

But do you know what the real sad thing is? Who the real fucking loser is? Me. Because if tomorrow she messaged be with some bullshit excuse and asked me to meet again, I'd probably agree to it in a heart beat and shove the memories of this past week deep down, along with all feelings relating to it.

Fuck ghosts.


I created my lemmy account just for this, I really need some help and have been unable to post elsewhere.

Hi. I'm 26yo F. I've been with my BF (27M) for over 3 years. Our relationship has been, hard. It has been good but gone through many difficulties. First was his mom, who was an abusive controlling bitch, until I pushed him to go no contact with her, and then she died from an infection. Then we had problem because of the lack of sex, and I didn't like how he was behaving with me, he was getting too controlling and I was always on edge. We eventually solved it, he improved a lot, and our relationship was good again, now he is not controlling over me, but I still got some little ptds from those days so I resort to not tell him things to avoid conflict.

He is not all bad, he is nerdy, caring, and I know for sure he is not cheating on me (he barely goes out of the house). I have recently moved in with him because now there's a functioning car that allows me to get to work. I was living with my mom, and I'm glad I'm not living there anymore, because I have to suppress myself a lot when I'm with her. I am more free with my BF. But I feel I'm not as free as I could, for example, if I just wanna dress up in the house, he looks annoyed, because if I dress up it means I'm not doing house chores, and he always insists on doing house chores, he does chores since he wakes up, till he goes to sleep, and when he is not doing chores, he is playing videogames, watching anime, or studying. So, I only dress up when I'm alone because I don't want him to nag me. Like, if I do my nails, they get instantly ruined for doing the dishes or washing something else. I was unable to do that at my mom's house too because she never had nothing good to say.

Also, we haven't had sex in what I think is already a full year, he never feels like it, doesn't take hints, if I straight up tell him I want sex, he says "we will do it tonight" but it never happens. I'm feeling touch starved, I have spoken to him about this but he doesn't care. I wanna experiment and try exciting things, but he is so vanilla that can't even convince him to have sex in other place that is not the bed (literally), or other position that is not me on top and he's doing basically nothing.

I'm feeling frustrated because of this, he says he wants me, but I don't feel affection anymore.

Now, for the title. Some weeks ago I needed an SD card for doing some tech stuff, I was looking around the house and found a 32GB sd cards that I bought a while ago and stopped using. I took it and plugged it into my computer to see what was there before erasing it. I discovered it had lots of porn. Not really a surprised, I know the kind of porn he likes, so I started checking what was there, nothing really surprising. However, there was also a lot of Hentai and R34 art. And yes, there's a lot of characters that are, in cannon, underage. Not really surprising since I know he reads tons of fanfics, but there was a lot of R34. There there was another folder, inside the SD card, with random letters as its name. I went into it, and at first sight looks sus.

I was checking the images and videos, and I was thinking... some of the people there looks... young. I'm not new to the internet, I know teen content is a thing and some people going into the industry being barely legal to sell twisted fantasies. I know about porn, I even tried to get in once when I was younger but never really made it and in retrospect, I'm glad. But then I kept looking, some of the people there looked really young and some videos had terrible quality and were only a few seconds long, which means, are crappy old home made videos, instead of a real production, which, is extremely sus. I'm a tech person, I've done cyber security, and this was ringing all of my alarms. Then I found one that made me said... that's... a child. Then another one, that also, was, 100% a child. And another, and another. And then, I saw one that was... a toddler, and another one. I was frozen, started crying, and just, sat there in disbelieve. I still can't really believe it. It wasn't a huge collection, but some combined tens of images and videos, mixed with R34 and even AI images of, you guessed it, children.

After my initial shock, I took the SD card of my computer and put it back in the same place I found it at. I tried to do something else to ease my mind until my bf came home some hours later, and I just acted like everything was normal, he eventually picked up on me being a bit moody but I've been moody for some time because of the lack of affection in our relationship. BTH sleeping in the same bed was a bit hard, I stayed up late and then went to bed next to him like normal.

I think there's no love left for me, but, the relationship is on the surface, good, my mom likes him, his family likes me and welcome me, materially we are doing ok, we are even getting better in some aspects material aspects, I finally feel like have stability while not depending on my mom for anything. I don't have money to afford my own place, I barely have any friends, I don't have a car, I have my own job. I just finished moving in and I don't feel like I have somewhere else to go, if I go back to my mom's house, it will be more years of repressing myself and not being me, I'm in the second half of my 20's and I feel like I have accomplished little to nothing on my own. In my country is almost impossible to safe to get a place alone because of the economy and our low salaries. So, I know how Reddit is, I know would be very easy for some to tell me to move out and get away, but... I don't have how, in fact, my account is literally in 0 today because I own money to the bank. And I don't mean going and getting a 2 stories house with 4 bedrooms, no, a single bedroom apartment is unaffordable unless you have rich parents.

I can't go to the police, because the police in my country is beyond useless, the only thing they do is try to extort money (in bribes) from people for small infractions and they act like gangs, criminal investigations don't get anywhere, and there is just no point because, again, where would I go after that?

I feel like staying with him is better than going back to my mom, but at the same time, I feel trapped, pretending that things are ok in the relationship, feeling numb, feeling like I can't be myself at the house because he gets annoyed. And I have absolute no idea what to do. Nothing at all. I wish I could move to another city and start from cero, I'm honestly sick and tired of my city and wanna do something else, he doesn't want that, he wants to stay here, which is thing I'm frustrated about, but again, with what money?

I feel like I can only yell at the clouds because there is nothing else I can do except to continue my days as normal and see what can happen in the future.

Thanks for reading, sorry if is too long but this is all I can do.

TLDR: I'm 26 F and my BF is 27 M. We have been in a relationship for over 3 years and I finally moved in with him. I've been a bit unhappy recently because of the lack of affection and sex, however, I recently discovered an SD card of his and I discovered it has illegal content involving minors. I have no idea what to do because I can't afford to move anywhere, and I can't go back to my mom because would set me back for many more years. I can only pretend everything is ok, and honestly I'm feeling trapped in this relationship, while everything seems good in the surface.


i feel so alone. i don't want to be alone. i think of her every day - every hour, i even wake up thinking of her. she takes hours to answer my texts. often over 12 hours, sometimes over 24h. she is always my first thought in the morning.

i want to hold her hand, feel her lips on mine. i want to go to sleep with her next to me, and wake up looking at the face of someone i love and who loves me back. i want to travel the world, but not alone or with friends. i want to experience new things, but i want to do it with her.

i've always been more romantically inclined, and i've always dreamed of having a wife (or just a serious life-long relationship; marriage itself is irrelevant) and having kids with her. that has always been the purpose of life to me. everything else feels meaningless without a romantic partner to experience it with, or with whom to talk about it. but more specifically, i want her. but i'm still a virgin, i've still never kissed a girl, and i've still never held a girls hand. i'm approaching thirty. i thought she could be it, but she is clearly not as into me as i am her.

sometimes suicide pops into my head. not as a fully formed concrete idea to follow through on, but just the concept, and the idea that i could do it and the misery would end. no more lonely nights - or days either. she'll never want me like i want her, but even if i get over her no one else will want me either.

some people say to work on yourself, and that no one wants to date someone who is depressed or desperate. they don't get it. this is the whole reason i'm depressed. i work out, i eat healthy, i have hobbies. but they are all indoor hobbies. i still have a massive hole in my chest that can't be filled by working on myself. a hole that could only be filled by intimacy and romance with another person. specifically by her. when she replies to me the world is colorful and everything brings me joy. the world is in my hand and I am in control. about 12 hours after waiting for a reply, everything tastes of ashes and nothing can bring me joy or warmth. i have no motivation.

the first and last thing i do each day is check my phone to see if she has replied. it's fucking pathetic. if i get another chance to see her, i will tell her how i truly feel about her. i'm positive it won't be reciprocal, but it's a small chance to fill the hole, or at least maybe i can get closure on her.

i'm going to bed and cry myself to sleep once more, with my last thought before the blackout being her face once again. she is the first woman in at least a decade to really put butterflies in my stomach. the closest i ever came to this were small school crushes.

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submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/



I wanted to create entertainment media, clothes, websites, and a lot more honestly. I also thought of having children but I didn't think I'd ever find someone I actually loved. Well now I'm in a relationship, and children have been discussed multiple times, but I feel like I'm doing everything way too late. I'm 27, finding myself like a tween since I was abused into being a zombie when I was that age.

Everyone else already moved out at 19 and are married at 25 the latest and usually have children around 27. I'm still stuck living with family who bullied and abused me the most and still do today. I really did not want to choose between having children at a better time and experiencing having my own space where I won't be abused for being too comfortable or happy. I really wanted to have my own space I could decorate with things that wouldn't be destroyed by marijuana addicts who are So Enlightened and believe material possessions are meaningless. I wanted to experience having my own apartment originally for 10 years but now at least 5 years.

If I delay any more it'll be way too late to have children. They'll have a much higher chance of having some disability that society would bully them into suicide for having, or they won't have much time with their parents. I don't want to be old and needy while they're still growing either. I also don't want to miss out of creating the things I had planned either. There's no way I could work a job and raise them at the same time either.

I'd be able to do all these things if I were just raised as a kid instead of being locked away in an institution that made me less than dead weight for 10 years, forced to know my place as scum below society whose only value is inspiring actual people to not be outdone by worthless scum for the next 5 years before I dropped out of college, and forced to wait to grow until I wasn't in college anymore. I still hated myself to the point I continued to stagnate until I changed my name which I had to hide from family to avoid more bullying. But they eventually found out and I'm a much bigger joke than I was before.

I hate my family for taking 20 years from me that I'll never get back, and I hate all of society for justifying it, by claiming some stupid disorder that could mean anything could actually exist. What is the point of a disorder that literally only serves as a "Something Happened" error message? Oh right it's so quirky on tiktok and all these real actual people actually raised to be actually contributing members of society who made fun of those short bus kids who are so below them now call themselves that stupid word for clout. I hate this stupid world and honestly I was right when I wanted to die years ago knowing nothing would improve.


Mods: I was unsure if a politics-related rant was ok. If not: sorry!

Over the last month and a little, we've watched the disruption and/or dismantling of key US government programs and agencies - fundamentally undermining the power of Congress and the balance of power in the federal government. We've also started to see the Executive Branch ignore court orders - undermining the Judicial Branch and further erroding the balance of power.

We are watching this happen while our Congressional leaders take no meaningful action. There is no plan to restore balance to the federal government, no call to action for citizens to take, no one steering the ship. Our leaders have failed us in a spectacular way.

How did we get here? Well... everyday Americans are falling behind - driven by low wages, high cost of living, and economic instability. And we are watching big business and the rich influence our leaders in ways that are actively harmful to individual Americans.

In November people were given the option between the status quo or dramatic change. And people voted for change - albeit bad change. Desperate people do desperate things.

But the vast majority of Americans don't want to get rid of democracy. They don't want to break the international order. They don't want someone who doesn't meet the requirements to become president to boss the actual president around.

This is, at its core, a nonpartisan issue. We want the government to work for us again: of the people, by the people, for the people.

On several occasions I've seen or heard people asking "what can we do?" In the absence of direction from our leaders, I thought I'd share specific things that I am asking my representatives to actively support. Maybe, if enough of us ask, we can create the pressure and momentum required to enact change:

Re-assert Congressional power Enact a law (or laws) that increase transparency, demand accountability, and strengthen checks and balances. Override a veto if necessary. Why: this reestablishes the balance of power intended by our founders.

Limit or eliminate political donations Limit maximum annual donations (to candidates, parties, PACs and Super PACs) to $2k/year per entity or person - or get rid of them all together. Why: this ensures that our leaders are influenced by their constituents and not the highest bidder.

Set Congressional term and age limits Limit years in Congressto no more than 20 years and no older that 75. Why: this creates an ongoing rotation of leaders rather than people clinging to power.

These things won't solve all of our problems, but will allow the American people to begin an actual dialogue without influence - from which we can tackle issues affecting the country.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

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submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/


I died tomorrow (
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by to c/

12 hours from now, 11 years ago, I was very nearly killed riding a bicycle to work. I'm partially physically disabled now. Holding posture is very limited for me, but I'm still mobile. Last year I did the same ride on the same route. I ran into someone I worked with that was doing well and it had a disproportionate negative effect to see their success.

For the first 9 years I tried to ignore the anniversary, but that doesn't work well either. I still feel every bit of the pain I felt that day when I woke up in the hospital, so moving on is not an option. I'm a shell of my former self. I'm doing good to ride a bike a couple dozen miles at most and can't stop, sit, or stand for more than a few minutes. Does anyone with experience like this have any suggestions to reduce the dip; to morn one's own death in a more productive way?


EDIT: ESH. I've been an asshole without realising it, and my friends really weren't open about the drama until very recently. I was right, though--I'm terrible at explaining myself. We agree drugs aren't a problem for me, but I should keep discussion light. Kairos--there is a time and a place for everything.

(My app doesn't allow marking posts as NSFW. I don't know whether this should be considered NSFW or not, but I can't mark it anyway. I'll sign in on desktop later, if need be. An admin can also do the courtesy of marking it for me. Thank you, regardless.)

Sorry if this is all a little disorganised.

2025 has been a good year for me, despite everything. I've made my first attempts to meet new people, thanks to guidance from people on this very platform, and things are finally looking up. I feel productive and somewhat healthy. I feel like I'm in a position to help others, even though things look bleak for all of us.

Except for one problem.

I use drugs more than any of my friends. I'm the only one who's done DXM, for instance, and I constantly read about new things to try. I'd do opium, even, given the chance. So, that's the problem, then. I do drugs.

No. No, it isn't, actually.

The actual problem is that I put so much effort into research, so much effort into considering what's actually safe to use, so much effort into making sure I don't overuse them, so much effort into considering doses, so much effort to make sure it doesn't impact others negatively, so much effort. That's despite their history of being upset towards me, and nobody cares. My friends constantly pester me for taking a "dark path", and every argument I make to try to object to that results in me being called some form of disabled, or immature, or stupid. One outlier online even called me multiple slurs, claiming my actual mental disorders are also completely fake.

Here's a good question that should be pretty easy to answer. Which one's hurting me more? The drugs, or the people? Because the problem certainly isn't the one that actually keeps me in a good, level-headed, sane headspace, that I use with care--and absolutely the one causing me all this mental turmoil in the first place.

Drugs are a human right. I have a right to determine what goes in my body, and I've been exceptionally careful, thanks to the help I was never given. I helped myself. I was suicidal, I pursued DIY psychedelic therapy, and now I find myself on a journey that I couldn't be happier with.

Yet none of that is enough.

Perhaps more science than I've provided already will be enough. Maybe the two week break I'm on will satisfy them. Maybe I should spell it out--their drugphobia, and unwillingness to accept different viewpoints, or consider my history, strongly mirrors homophobia and transphobia.

Let me make a point. They all drink alcohol. Alcohol is more addictive, and harmful to the user and others (in the form of drunk driving), and is considerably more dangerous than heroin. Yet, they'll criticise me for using poppers, despite the fact that poppers are considered safer, according to Drug Science, than any other drug they looked in to. That's safer than magic mushrooms, possibly the safest drug in existence, arguably. It's the most widely accepted risk index in the world. Mind you, some of these friends have also used nicotine, too. Also far more dangerous than what I do. I have as well, of course, but I'm considering not using nicotine or alcoholic products ever, not even on occasion. That's in contrast to them. Alcohol hurts the body, and drinking less simply slows the process. None of the drugs I use have such a long-term negative effect.

I'm also the only one that estimates my BAC with a calculator every time, but whatever. Thanks for that suggestion, S.

They have no right to criticise me for the very same thing they do on a regular basis. We even smoke weed, and nobody has a problem with it. Probably because it's not taboo enough.. anymore.

It's hypocrisy, because I've actually been safer than them, despite using a wider variety of substances.

I have a small handful of people who've been actually supportive, including someone I had just met. They applaud me for the effort I've put in to stay safe, and I'm glad to have those kind of people in my life. Some of them have been through incredibly rough patches (it seems like these types are the few with empathy, anymore). Some of them are just open minded. Regardless of their background, though, it's clear that they're far more empathetic than some of the people in my primary friend group.

I'm angry, and it's caused by the very people claiming to "help" me. They aren't helping. They're outright berating and slandering me, and at this point, I'm considering simply dropping them. However, I'm a productive person, and simply walking away from my problems is unacceptable by my standards. There's a peaceful resolution to this, and I intend to find it.

I'm not wrong, am I? As much as I've been gaslit over the years, I still think I can see through it all--through all the self doubt, all the people who claimed I'd never be enough. Despite all of that, I'm not suicidal, or even depressed.

So please tell me I'm right. Thanks for reading all this, if you did.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

Having just experienced my first comment removals without any sort of notification or explanation, I was suddenly reminded of how things went down on Reddit during the API thing and people's attitude towards it.

Do you know why the API thing failed to cause a mass exodus? Because the moderators were spearheading it. The same people that have been doing things like setting up automod with buzzwords because they're too busy collecting subs to control to actually do their jobs, and silently removing non rule breaking comments without notification or explanation, and being cold unfriendly dickheads whenever you questioned them; suddenly these assholes were asking us to all join them in solidarity and feel sorry for them over their lost modding tools in 3rd party apps. In fact they did a fantastic job of making it all about themselves without giving many good reasons for the end user. And honestly people cheered when Reddit forcibly removed them.

And it made me realise that a good majority of these moderators that spent years on Reddit campaigning for less transparency and helping to turn it into the shit hole it is now, are probably here on Lemmy.

I don't know where exactly I'm going with this other than to say that I'm seeing things here with new eyes now. Just wanted to get these fun facts off my chest and remind everyone about who we're actually dealing with here.


I spent my whole life experimented on, neglected, bullied; physically, mentally, and emotionally abused, and used to inspire all the actual real people into donating to an institution I was locked away in over a stupid puzzle piece misdiagnosis. My parents did not raise me and my siblings were my first bullies. I was the scapegoat for everything that went wrong. I wasn't allowed to do anything for myself, which made me a burden, but I also wasn't allowed to learn or try them as that made me spoiled and ungrateful.

My mother only wanted money or fame from me. I didn't qualify for free money from the government and I wasn't talented enough to be famous, yet she forced me in so many stupid patronizing performances and crap despite me literally begging her not to. I spent my childhood trying to hide myself and be invisible.

I was in a class of 12 people where only 5 of the kids could actually hold a conversation. One was a bully I was forced to "be friends with". Another loved starting fights over the tiniest things, and was deliberately annoying to incite drama. The others were my friends but they were friends with the bully who isolated me from them whenever I didn't forgive him for bullying me. He bullied my friends as well but they never stood up to him as he had so much power over everyone and made an example out of me. I wanted him gone and made myself unattractive and gross to push him away, but ended up pushing everyone away.

I was treated like a celebrity by everyone in that institution for non-existent "talent" and "intelligence". I knew it was all fake. I was the only black girl who had hobbies, so I was shoved front and center of everything, including performances of other groups. I hated it, I felt like I was wearing a wedding gown at someone else's wedding. I knew it was unfair to the other kids in my group who never got to be the main character, narrator, or soloist; and to the other groups who were afterthoughts in their own performances. I wanted that to stop, before I hated it for the extra attention I got, I hated it for how unfair it was to everyone. But all the staff called my spoiled and ungrateful for having this "privilege" no one else got, while also making me feel (more) guilty for taking the spotlight away from everyone for 10 years.

Life was sitting on a short bus for 2 hours, sitting in the same desk for 7 hours, then sitting for 2.5 hours on the short bus to go home and lie in bed staring at the ceiling. Weekends were spent lying in bed daydreaming if I wasn't on a laptop or game console, if I'm at home, otherwise I'm trapped in grocery stores for fifteen hours for my mother to buy herself thousands of dollars worth of food she eats less than 1% of and wastes the rest of. Gym class was rarer then winning the lottery five consecutive times, and most of the time gym became "yoga" where we sat at the same assigned desk and stretched our arms for five minutes.

This drove me insane but everyone assumed it was the stupid puzzle piece that progressed like cancer. I originally wanted kill myself when I was 7, but I made the mistake of drawing it out on the chalkboard: stabbing myself in front of an oncoming train, getting hit by it, cops arriving and shooting my body to make sure I'm dead, then the entire world celebrating "Finally, It's Gone!!!" I was hospitalized and then grounded for months for wasting my mother's time and money spent on transit.

I should have actually died, instead of continuing to live as scum less human than a rat, where all the love and friendship I experienced was fake, every compliment was backhanded, and all criticism was vague so I can't improve. I should have died instead of being used to show actual humans that scum can accomplish things almost as well as actual people. I should have died instead of being a burden I did not need to be as I could have had a real childhood if I were given a chance at life, if I were seen as a human being instead of that stupid puzzle piece. It does not matter what I accomplish today, I will always be better off dead, and I will always suffer until I finally die. My family wanted me gone for being a dependent burden and being crazy from experiencing "school". My high school and college, after the institution, wanted me gone for almost being raped so many times, and because they're scared of that stupid puzzle piece. I really should have just been a stillborn baby, euthanized upon the misdiagnosis, or dead at 7. I should have just not drawn the plan, and went for it back when I believed in god and thought I'd see my late dog in heaven.

I'm one of the lucky people for actually getting out of that shit, going to a real high school, and working. So many other children stayed in that shithole until they aged out, or were moved into the group home attached to it, where disgruntled underpaid former high school bullies take out their anger on what they view as a "lucky" person who can't work. Their lives were destroyed before they could even start, and their corpses are kept alive until they die of suicide or a drug overdose as a result of the staff trying to make them convenient. Society will never love the mentally disabled. The few who actually live their children are the smallest minorities. When will you realize we still have eugenics, just cruelly slower and infinitely more painful than a lethal injection?

Oh right, no one cares. If these things happened to a dog it would be animal cruelty, but these people are less than animals so they need to get over it. You can't be cruel or bigoted towards the most unloved demographic, and nothing will ever change. What is the point of living unloved and unwanted by everyone in your life, after it peaked when you were three?


I've been looking into daddy issues recently and I'm honestly starting to believe I have some of the symptoms.

. Fear of abandonment . Unhealthy attachment patterns . Low self-esteem . Trust issues . Jealousy . Constantly needing reassurance

I think I have 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6. I've been in a handful of relationships in my life and there always super stressful because there's always so much competition and I just want to be there number 1 girl and I don't know why but I get really obsessed with people. I've spoken about this before on this sub but if I like someone then it's like they become my main interest above all else. It's also hard for me to trust other people even I know them really well. Obviously, I get jealous really easily. I hate the thought of someone else being better then me at something and taking my lime light. I put so much effort into the way I look and getting others to like me and I feel like I deserve it.

My relationship with my parents isn't that good. I never had a 'daddys little princess' relationship with my dad growing up. I was always overshadowed by my siblings and I was never good enough for my mom or dad plus he was so violent. He got angry really easily especially when he had been drinking. He would slap us, beat us with belts and throttle us. It wasn't just that either he was always insulting us. He had no problems with using swear words around us and describing us as such and not in a fun or playful way. He singled me out of because I could never meet his standards, he call me stupid, ret@rded, lazy ect, ect,

I never had a normal father/daughter relationship growing but I think deep down I always wanted one. My number one fantasy is being pampered and taken care of by a rich man. I love the thought of being so loved by someone they go out of there way just to keep me around unconditionally like a father would do to his children. I want the father I never had.


I'm sick of hearing the whining of "gifted" children. Like, why are they even "gifted" to begin with? What... they remember the names of shapes and count well and we're supposed to believe they're the second coming of Albert Einstein?

Can imagine the type of person this could rest? Imagine growing up and being told your special and better then the other kids when all they can do is learn faster than everyone else. There just lucky, that's what gets me. It's like being praised for being born rich. It's like if we lived in a world where anyone was in a wheelchair and they could walk.

As someone with interactual disabilities I hate hearing them complain. Like really? you you were praised growing up and did well academically? Aww, I cry for you😥


This is not a personal issue.

Real wages have gone down 50% since the 1970s. One person used to provide enough for a family, now typically both partners go to work and it's still "just enough".

In the conservative 1960s, the woman's rights movement would have never succeeded if it wasn't backed by the media (big news), and we all know they're owned by the rich. So what does the rich gain by making women go to work?

The labor market is a free market. It is regulated by supply and demand. If there's higher supply in workers, wages go down. I'm worried that the women's rights movement was allowed by the rich to increase supply of workers and bring down the wages.


I'm gonna meander a bit, I'm neutro spicy and I feel like the context here is important.

My dad was smart. Not in the grade school, my dad is stronger then yours kinda smart, but genuinely usually one of the smartest people in the room. His friends and co-workers thought so, my mother thought so. He was unique in his ability to both think through complicated problems and put his ideas in to action in a way that I haven't seen from anyone else.

Between my sister and I, I feel like she got most of his talent. That is to say, my sister is also quite smart, and driven. She's made herself a 1%er. But when she was still working hard she was at one time a criminologist, and later an actual, bone fide scientist. People would fight and clamour for positions that came to her naturally. She later moved on to sales and is making a killing, and yet somehow not enough.

She at one time considered herself a feminist. But now, she's a lockstep 1%er. She supports money, and those that make the number go up. She works from home, could live anywhere in the world, and chooses an expensive mcmansion on the East Coast. She railed against Biden and Harris, claims to have voted for libertarians in both elections. Not that it mattered, the state she lives in is so reliably blue it's hard to be mad about her little protest vote. Regardless, it feels like she's been standing at the deep end for a while, and now, I think she's finally taken the plunge. No lifeguard on duty.

She's started seeing a psychic. That, in and of itself is harmless. I've done these things. It can be a fun little game where you walk away and go "that was weird." But my sister, the former scientist, the one blessed with the capacity for reason and action our father had, absolutely the smarter of the two between us, has bought in.

This 'psychic' did what all these people do. Made some pretty general statements that would happen to anybody and gave them some context to make them feel personal. I imagine this psychic has given the exact same spiel about disasters and uncertainty to dozens of clients.

But to my sister, it's real, she's shook. A woman who has received more than one round of applause for testimony before a grand jury because she was just that sharp when answering questions on criminology, a woman who left that field because it wasn't scientific, it wasn't rigorous enough, thinks some random woman she met can suck information from the future.

It's cold reading. Anyone who knows what cold reading is and reads this knows that. It's a stupid Carney trick that anyone can learn to do. It's a single step more advanced than writing horoscopes. Suggesting that confirmation bias might be at play here was met with fervent defiance. My sister is saying she won't dismiss what she doesn't understand.

Bitch. Then SEEK TO UNDERSTAND. By what mechanism is a psychic reading your future? How is that information traveling? The two of you in that room were both genetically human, so surely if she can interpret magic signals from the great unknowable void, anyone can right?

She refuses to ask these questions. She's just taking it on blind faith that this person is being honest, that she can actually see the future, but only kinda, you know in a real vague way, and that guessing correctly about a few everyday things is evidence enough of that.

I've seen her when she gets inquisitive. A question she can't answer drives her to a level of focus and determination you don't often see in people. But it's like that spark is just, gone. The pilot light went out at some point in the last 12 years.

I don't know when we lost her, but that woman is just, gone.


Like two years ago I met this guy which I'll just call Ray. I was immediately interested in him. He's a nice guy and he's well educated too plus he's got a great ass. He's every you could want in a man. I didn't get his number the first time around so I didn't speak to him for a while after that.

We mat a few times and to cut a long story we went on a date back in September. He hasn't really spoken to me since then and it really grates on me. I don't want to lose him now that I've almost got him. He's all I can think about, not only is he a lovely guy but he's hot AF as well. Seriously, why can't I just sex with that attractive for once? I try to think of other things but all I can think about is sex with him.

It drives me insane. Why is it so hard to find men like Ray? I work so hard for him if only he knew.


I need to get this off my chest. School bus came early, and I was not there to get my child as the bus is usually late. There were vehicles which stopped for the bus, which waited for under 1 minute, then just passed the school bus all one after the other while bus was flashing and stop sign was out.

When I got my child, the bus driver was smiling and didn't say a thing about vehicles passing it. I'm sure they are used to it.

Nothing can be done. I'm just venting. I found out because a witness told me, so I checked the camera to see what happened.

So annoyed people are so impatient that they can't stop for a school bus beyond 10 seconds.


I completely support corporations or public agencies going their own way on web updates rather than using a microblogging platform like Twitter, but for fucks sake it's completely pointless to post an update without the time and date (and ideally and expiration). For example I was looking for trail conditions in a state park near me and I have no idea when the conditions posted are for. Now, I can go onto the web archive and figure it out, if I want to, but that's not what most people will know how to do.

Date everything.


I hope that this works because apparently even though I'm signed up on and visiting a sub native to, all that this subreddit loads for me is one single post from 2024 (and yet I can see all posts from my instance).

I don't mind if no one reads this, I just need to get my experience of my chest, especially my Bluesky experience over these last couple of months.

I've tried Twitter on and off, well before Musk, and it never really clicked for me. I could sort of see the appeal but largely it came across as a sea of jocks and trendy assholes. So it was never much of a big deal for me to just walk away from it.

Enter Bluesky. I was attracted by its left wing reputation and all the cool queer people there. But I'm afraid that over all, it didn't do much to change my opinion that this sort of social media is for the 'cool' kids, cliques and people who prize their image above all else.

In the beginning it was pretty fun. I used the same profile pic and account name as here and didn't list my age in my profile. And I was having enough fun to stick around. But after the 3rd DM from someone that I'm pretty sure was a teenager, I decided to do the right thing and mention my age on my profile. I also decided to use my real name and add an actual photo of me, making it clear that I'm AMAB despite my tastes and the company I want to keep. And I can tell you, from that moment, the little bit of fun that I was having there completely dried up. From that point on, the only people following me were porn bots and these weird accounts with no posts that look like they lifted the profile pic from the 'management' section of a website somewhere.

Now, to be fair, there were a few cool people in my age group (38) that I followed but most are married with 2.5 kids and are these bluewave people where every second post is a picture of Trump's face or Kamala Harris. And as far as men go, my faith and trust is also at an all time low at this point. But that still doesn't make me feel any less like a reject piece of shit.

I also did something there that I will forever regret. While I had my real name and photo up, I decided to take the major step of telling the world that I realised I'm non-binary a couple of years ago. My heart was in my fucking throat because I was now putting myself at risk of people in the real world finding out what's been going on with me. And the reception that I got to that was crickets chirping. Not even the few clearly NB / trans / non-conforming people that had deemed me worthy enough for a follow back chipped in with anything. I ended up deleting the post in shame 24 hours later and reverting back to anonymity.

So yeah, Bluesky was largely heart breaking for me and made me feel a dog desperately scratching at the door to get in somewhere. I don't know how people do it. Every attempt at socializing that fails, and the endless tweaking of my profile to try and attract some friends feels pretty degrading to me. I WAY prefer a platform like this where I can join a conversation about She-ra and the Princesses of Power and gush about how rad Adora is if I want. And actually get feedback and someone to let me know that I'm alive without taking a look at my profile picture or age and judging me before the conversation has even started. I just wish this place worked better. Thanks for listening.


i don't want to fgeel anything. i'm in so much physical discomfort right now becaouse i'm feeling so anxious and nervous abouto the fact that i should be studing but all this feelings are just making it impossible. i want to be so high right now just so i could stop feeling anything. i'm scratching the back of my head so much that i'm hurting myself and i'd want to punch myself in the face or bite my hands I hate that i can't stop this feeling. i only i could start studing than i'd be okay but no, because it's just a studid fucking circle that i am unable to break and it makes everything awful


Thought that I would start off my first post in this place by getting this off my chest. In case anyone is wondering why more people haven't flocked to Lemmy yet, this has been my experience so far.

Last night I decided to give this place a shot and sign up, just to be met with a join page that was mostly unresponsive and didn't want to load anything. I ended up giving up and going to bed but thankfully by the morning, the web page had listed the possible servers for me to join.

So, especially after my experience the night before, I thought that the server that has in its description "recommended for users to join this server to reduce load" was a good start.

Then it came to looking for apps. I thought that the app with the description "made by Lemmy devs" would pair well with the server recommended to new users. Only to find that the server that I joined isn't even listed in the app when I try to sign in. And that manually typing it does nothing but give "server error" responses as well.

So now here I am, typing this from my laptop, wondering how many other people try to join this platform and give up after the first couple of hoops that need jumping through first. I'm hoping that eventually I will find the right server and app combo to give me an actual complete, working experience but so far my experience here has been a little bit ridiculous.

Anyway, glad I got that off my chest. Hi Lemmy, just a Reddit refugee hoping to make a home here, once I've got this absolute circus of trying to get going here in the first place behind me.


If a white person was So Astonished and Shocked that a black person accomplished something almost as good as a white person would, they'd be called racist. But black people can literally treat themselves and their children that way and it's empowerment.

A white person could graduate high school with 90s and 100s in every class and no one cares. They get a high five and a $20 TGI Fridays gift card. A black person can graduate high school with 60s in every class and they're the second coming of God.

Everyone outside the school and the goddamn country needs to know about this excellent black person who managed to actually get 60s and pass! Despite being black! So inspirational! It's so smart for a black person! If a black person could do it, what's your excuse?

But I'm the problem for absolutely hating that. I'm an asshole for being conveniently missing during graduation. I'm racist for wanting equality. Why can't I get a high five and a gift card? Why can't I just graduate and have nobody care like the normal people?

It's not just graduating, but literally everything. Having a hobby. Using a phone. Literally just existing as a black person is sooooo inspirational. A white person can draw hyper realistic portraits, but a black person's crude scribbling is broadcast to the world as talent. A black person being interested in a hobby is so inspirational they need to be interviewed and broadcast to everyone, but a white person actually doing the hobby doesn't matter. They're normal. But if I call this out, I'm the problem. I have internalized racism. I'm the asshole for quitting all my hobbies.

Then there's that stupid puzzle piece rainbow infinity sign disorder. Everything anyone with that shit does is solely because of that shit and nothing else. Even using fediverse websites is solely the decision of some stupid disorder. No one could possibly want to get away from the subtle ads and toxicity. It must be a stupid disorder.

Knowing ANYTHING is the result of that stupid disorder making you So Smart, but not knowing something is the result of that stupid disorder making you stupid. A child being tech savvy is not the result of computers being easy enough for a child, it's the result of a stupid disorder making the child smart. That stupid disorder made someone have a hobby that anyone else would do for fun.

That stupid disorder causes every last thing a human being experiences, according to literally everyone in the world except me. It's like you all want to be seen as corpses animated by that stupid disorder.

I hate being the only human who actually wants to be a human being. I'm sick of it. I'm tired of changing my name and phone number and still being found by people who only see me as the stupid disorder I never fucking had and a stupid skin color. I wish I was just born white or dead, I'm sick of this society.


I have been spending the holidays with my fiance's family. All of them are die hard trump supporters. This town they live in, are all die hard trump supporters.

We went out to a restaurant with my fiance's parents and their friends. When it came time to pay their friends whipped out their cards and showed the table. Each card had a sticker delicately placed, the content of the stickers were of donald trump in many different contexts. Djt as a dollar bill, djt wearing a fake mustache at his mugshot, djt assasination attempt, etc. I was absolutely appalled. Then the waiter came over and I was expecting to see him perturbed as well. Nope. He wanted one and asked if they had anymore. They then gave him one and helped him put it on. In the middle of his shift.

Obviously trump is fucking disgusting in more ways than one. What baffles me is how you can flagrantly carry around a proven rapist in your wallet when you are a woman, not just a woman but a woman of color. Which the friend waving this dipshit around and making the stickers is.

I mean this man has literally talked about immigrants "poisoning the blood of this nation". These are actual fucking people he talks about and demonizes. People with families, lives, and friends. All that care just gets thrown out the window with these people.

I hate living in trump country, because I feel like I am losing my mind when everyone around me is flaunting him like their own son who graduated as validictorian. As if these people are part of his club. When he is one of the most disgusting individuals I have had the displeasure of hearing about for over 8 years going on 12 now. How can you be so ignorant? Every passing day in this state I understand more and more how Hitler gripped the minds of the masses and came into power so easily. People are so fucking stupid.

Please for my sanity, I need to talk to people who know this monster for who he truly is. How do you cope being in a similar situation? How do you speak up?

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