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The original was posted on /r/beer by /u/Ok_Needleworker_4950 on 2024-11-21 20:00:36+00:00.
I used to work as a merchandiser, filling shelves and making displays and helping with deliveries. For financial reasons I decided to move up into a sales relief position. When a distinguished salesperson is on vacation or needs help, I will write orders for grocery stores, gas stations, etc. But since we’re so short-staffed, I’ve been working the same particular set of bars, restaurants, events centers for the last few months since I’m the only relief salesman available.
My bosses say that I’m doing a good job and that I shouldn’t worry too much, but I feel like I’m sucking. Whenever we have meetings and go over sales trends, everybody is profiting whereas my accounts are all showing red flags (down in volume, loss of kegs on tap). I just feel like a substitute to put out fires and not an actual distinguished salesperson that’s making the company money. I asked one of my bosses how he sold in this one brand of beer at a restaurant that’s has been too receptive to our stuff. He sarcastically replied, “I smiled and waved.” I have pretty positive interactions with all my accounts. But sometimes just being friendly isn’t enough to sell product.
I’m starting to think that none of this is a good fit. It’s not fulfilling or meaningful and that I don’t really fit in here.