Apple put the Magic Mouse’s charging port on the bottom again
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There is no low battery warning with the magic mouse. it will just shut down. This is an immense usability issue to the point that I had two on standby at work because the fucking things will just STOP working. This is a major design flaw and classic Apple—they have no direction in their product creation and haven’t since Steve Jobs died.
edit: apparently there is a warning but the fact remains it is a horribly designed product.
Is this true? I don’t use a Magic Mouse but my Magic Trackpad and Apple wireless keyboard both give low battery warnings.
I have an old, non-rechargeable Magic Mouse and there is a low battery warning in the menu bar when it gets low. OP doesn't know what they're talking about.
Yes there is.
I don’t use the Magic Mouse because I think it’s uncomfortable, but I get notifications with my Apple keyboard and Logitech mouse, and there are native battery widgets in the control center that show for all of them (including non-Apple devices like my mouse and headphones). I find it very hard to believe that the Magic Mouse is unique and refuses to let people know its charge state.
Whether or not that notification pops up and disappears while I’m not using the computer is another story, but I’m pretty sure those notifications can be changed to stay on-screen until they’re dismissed.
I stopped using them a long while ago so might not be remembering correctly, regardless, getting a low battery notification is pointless on the device since the main issue is charging it makes it unusable, at least with the keyboard and track pad you can plug them in and still use them.
anyway, I think everyone in the world—except Tim Apple—agrees that the design is fucking horrible.