Your most used RPG books and accessories?
This community is for meaningful discussions of tabletop/pen & paper RPGs
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Playing PF2e mostly these days and the Archives of Nethys are my life raft. I would be utterly lost without them. That and Pathbuilder to help have a handy character sheet accessible for theory crafting or whatnot.
Otherwise, I use the compendium in Foundry to look up conditions or rules on the fly.
Although when I GM I use Notion for prep, Lazy Dungeon Master's Guide for some guidance here and there, and just a lot of flying by the seat of my pants. :B
@Suck_on_my_Presence @rpg yay!
Woah! A celebrity!
Hey Sky, I just want to thank you tons for all the work that you do. The scaffolding you built into Notion alongside the book have really been a life saver and an eye opener.