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I should add “as a therapist in the US.” I have a lot of gay and trans clients, and it’s… bleak.
I know I should go to therapy but then I feel bad burdening a therapist with things like, "I'm so angry that the only thing that helps me sleep is imagining the entire current administration getting hit by a very localized meteor," because like, this shit is too big and we all have our coping mechanisms, right? At least mine isn't substance abuse or self harm.
Oh, I encourage my clients to imagine stuff like that if it helps. Totally valid way to cope.
Are you telling me that, after a breakup, when I imagined my ex and the guy she went back to having horrible things happen to them as a way to fall asleep... I wasn't being a sociopath?
Told my therapist that I often imagine running my ex over with my car, and he said that as long as I'm not planning on doing that irl that it's perfectly normal and understandable.
Oh well then I'm doing great! In a manner of speaking.
This made me laugh outwardly. Thanks stranger. If it means anything I think your great. Get in a spell and just need to type something out, save my comment and send me a message. 4 years from now, no worries. Worst that happens is I don't see it for a bit. Best case maybe I get lucky and say something comforting. But often I find that just knowing someone spent the time to listen/read makes people feel a bit of comfort
I've always wanted to traumatize a therapist by explaining how we live on a planet that is being systematically dismantled piece by piece.
Therapists aren't made of psychic porcelain, they actually go to therapy to process the stuff they deal with.
But it fills my heart with joy to imagine it. Never gonna actually try to, I know they could handle it.
And their therapists go to other therapists?
Babe wake up, new psyramid scheme just dropped.
You're mixing up your con jobs. They don't get paid progressively more at the top of the pyramid, it's all just work.
It's a laundering operation! But instead of money, the hot item is your trauma.
(I did enjoy psyramid though, gave me a grin)
Most therapists have a good understanding about systemic problems. If they are social workers that is basically all of what social work school is about. So you can't say anything they haven't heard.
My sister is trans and getting all of her forms of ID because she's 18 (and needs a job), and we lost it in a move across the country. I have to be there along with two other people to prove she's a person. She just wants to exist like anyone else, and people are shitting on her because she's a girl. I want to strangle the world.
Oh, this most certainly adds a lot of context, I'm sorry...
Yeah, it feels really awful right now. And I want to stick my head in the sand with the news but I know I can't, or things will just get worse.
OMG yes, I soooo wish I could, but my brain needs input! Not knowing does not compute. I originally had the plan to block all the news/political communities as soon as I knew the election outcome, but not knowing what is coming feels worse than the emotional weight of knowing good people are being hurt as a distraction by some shit heads so that they can rob us for all we have (as a country).
I see a therapist who mostly specializes in trans and queer clients (and is non-binary themselves). This last session was a worry fest of my anxieties and them going "honestly? Same" so it was validating, but I'm not sure how much therapizing we got in, lol. Not to say they don't do a good job, just like, there's only so much y'all can say or do right now.
And we're not even American so I cannot imagine. Hang in there.
it's still good to know you're not alone and your concerns are valid, and even warranted. you're not crazy.