this post was submitted on 06 Feb 2025
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[–] -1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Why so dismissive? This is a genuine concern and you're kinda just doing the same dopamine game. (You even have a smiley face, you're the happy one here!)

I just don't understand why you come to a MH community to post anti-MH sentiment.

Can you at least acknowledge that your comment is not a MH affirming attitude? Or do you really not see it???

[–] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Your comment came off as dismissive to me.

Mental health is different for everyone. But most stressors come from people's economic situation, or the stress of abuse caused by someone else probably experiencing too many stressors.

For some people it's healthier to ignore everything they can't control, even if it effects them negatively. This helps people cope but also leads to an independent and solitary approach to mental health that I think we try to shoehorn too many people into, which helps keep us isolated and exploitable.

For some it's better to stay present, aknowledge that the things that effect them negatively can be changed, even if they alone are powerless.

For me personally, what my comment was about, I didn't like feeling helpless and checked out from reality (yes i know that's not how everyone feels in this method)

As far as my misery, it's a scale from depressed/hopeless to enraged/empowerd, and I haven't been happy my entire life so that's not really a concern for me. And i have realized my misery is because of all the horrible misery I have to witness in the world I was forced into. It's completely unnecessary, its honestly offensive. We could have heaven on earth if we just fucking built it. And I beleive if more people felt like me we would fix these issues.

Different strokes for different folks

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

But most stressors come from people's economic situation, or the stress of abuse caused by someone else probably experiencing too many stressors.

For some people it's healthier to ignore everything they can't control, even if it effects them negatively.

"Don't worry about things you can't control"

Yo if those things would just stop controlling me I wouldn't have to worry about them.

Your response was much more eloquent, and spot on. Just letting you know that someone appreciates you.