Democrats Announce Bold Plan to Resist Trump Policies by Playing Katy Perry’s “Roar” Really Loud
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Genuinely curious what people want the Democrats to specifically do right now, apart from vague calls of "something" and "more" and "better." At least on a federal level, aren't they pretty much powerless at this point? What even can they do?
I mean, I'm not an expert by any means but haven't the republicans been able to very efficiently stifle democrat majorities before? If they just follow that playbook (delaying things, being pains in the ass, constant insistence on funky rules) they can at least annoy the shit out of them and hopefully slow things down. They're way too polite for that tho, they'd rather just let it happen and hope they come out okay in the end then to risk the wrath of the annoying orange and his minions.
One thing they could do is stop voting with republicans to confirm Trump's appointees. Have you seen. how well the Republicans obstruct? They can get everybody in their rank and file out on network TV to call for banning a book by title while the democrats can't even get their best faces on TV to call what's happening with NY's mayor blatant quid pro quo corruption
EDIT: Trump energy chief says there are upsides to ecological collapse
agreed. that's literally their job. oppose the other party by whatever means at their disposal. use the press, support union actions, so many ideas. be bold be creative.
they at least should stop pretending that "playing by the rules" and "trusting the system" is an appropriate response to illegal orders, illegal firings, violations of constitutional doctrine, and open defiance of judicial and legislative oversight. relevant video from InnuendoStudio, sadly aged like wine
Yep, all they have to do is think…”what would republicans do in this situation?”
Republicans would get one of their followers to bash Mike Johnson's spouse in the head with a hammer like they did to Pelosi.
Not lining up to bend over for republicans would be nice a nice start. Even a quarter the obstructionism as the republican party has put forth when Democrats are in charge would be appreciated.
Certainly, but like -- what specifically? If you could pick one specific thing they should do/have done, what would it be?
Not vote "Yes" on appointments.
Figure out what they stand for, stated in two sentences. (From that old chestnut that says that you don't understand a thing if you can't explain it in two sentences, or less.)
Learn from the experts (PR people, psychologists, neuroscientists, screenwriters, etc.) how to state it in ways that resonate with people.
Then, do it. Convince all of us that they care, and are trying. Build coalitions around the message, and strengthen civil society.
The greatest damage from this administration's lawlessness does not come from tearing down government agencies, it's the corrosive effect of hopelessness in the minds and hearts of the citizens as we look around and feel like we're alone, and that nobody else actually cares about our laws, traditions, and principles.
Speak up, speak loud and speak often. Be the leaders of the grassroots organization they pretend to represent.
They seem to be incessantly tweeting and Facebooking, but people are complaining that that's not very effective.
Because shitposting isn't organizing.
The next real test will probably be the budget vote in the House. Post-Trump Republicans have historically been unable to pass budgets without democrat help, even when they had a majority, so one thing democrats can do is squeeze the GOP dry for concessions before helping them pass the next budget.
What the Repugs do whenever they're in the minority: complain loudly and publicly, and obstruct absolutely goddamned everything.
I want Dems to start arming the working class. Like, empty the campaign coffers, and use it to buy guns, bullets, and butter for the working class.
How's that for a start?
It's certainly specific!
step one should be a change of leadership.
My interpretation: the right is broadly successful because they are presenting a compelling narrative to explain the problems in America. It's "elites" in business, government (deep state), and schools that are pushing an unamerican agenda of "wokeness", using immigrants to gain power, and indoctrinating through schools and universities. This is enough to get people to vote right because at least the right is doing something to address their concerns.
What the Democrats need to do, is present a more compelling narrative. They can't just be the "non-maga" party. They have to actually address people's concerns about economic insecurity and present a vision for the future. I remain convinced that the first president that runs on economic populism will sweep an election.
Yeah, I remember in 2016 when the Hillary campaign's response to "Make America Great Again" was "America is Already Great" and man did that go over like a lead balloon. Democrats fucking love to pretend everything is okay.
And then Harris did the same and wondered why she lost.
"Everything is okay! Sure you can't afford food, rent, housing, the government spends more on wars than social services, but I might give those with millions a few hundred thousand to buy a house! And I'll appoint a Republican to my cabinet!"
Obstruct fucking everything instead of being the complicit bastards they are.
massive string of lawsuits