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I bought Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe a couple weeks ago and I'm a few stages in. Having a good time with it so far. Sometimes it's nice to just sit back and enjoy a nice easy game to relax. I'm even enjoying the minigames in the Merry Magoland mode and getting all the masks (I will rarely use, lol).
I also bought Pokemon Alpha Sapphire because I've never finished a Hoenn region Pokémon game, but I haven't started it yet because I'm still playing through Fire Emblem Fates Conquest. Like others I agree that Fates' story, especially Conquest's, is probably the worst I've played in the franchise (seriously, the game utterly fails to give Corrin any reason to choose Nohr when they make their "fateful" choice that's supposed to be so difficult), but the gameplay is not bad. I would put it down for Pokemon but considering FE is my favorite franchise I feel a certain obligation to grit my teeth on the story and push through it to the finish.
Agreed, sometimes it's nice to just play an easy game and relax.
I like the idea of Fire Emblem, but wasn't a big fan of Monastery area in Three Houses (my first FE), I believe it was just me being anxious about not properly handling relationships and missing out on good side characters. Plan to play Engage though, it looks like something I may enjoy.
There's a Monastery-like area in Engage called the Somniel. Unlike in 3 Houses, though, you don't need to build a relationship with any characters to gain others - every unit and (base game) Emblem is automatically recruited in the main story. I recommend picking up both parts of the DLC, the stages to unlock the extra Emblems and the DLC side story, since some of the extra Emblems are fun to use (Tiki is straight up broken) and the DLC with the side story gives you more cool units and classes, though the side story is a fair bit more difficult than the main story.
Are you playing Fates on an actual 3DS or emulator? I played Awakening and Engage, but missed out the in-between entries. I do actually have a copy of Fates in the house, but it's in Japanese, so I can't play it (my wife is a huge FE fan).
I actually played Engage this weekend - but I'm on the last chapter (I think) and hadn't played it for months, so I'd forgotten what I was doing and had to use the time crystal every turn. It was just really frustrating and felt stupid to "cheat" my way through it, so I gave up.
I'm playing on an actual 3DS. Conquest is the last FE game I have yet to finish on it (I played Birthright before this). If I ever want to play Revelations I'd have to emulate or otherwise sail the high seas since the 3DS eShop is dead. My own 3DS is actually Japanese but I modded it to region unlock it.
Huh, that's unusual. Region locking was a really annoying thing, and I'm glad Nintendo have moved on from it. We had the Japanese 3DS only for FE fates, but also a PAL 3DS that we left behind somewhere when moving house :(
Never had reason to check, is the Switch region-unlocked/region-free? That's cool if true. But given that the DS was a pirate's dream machine partially due to it being region-free I can see why Nintendo locked down the Wii/3DS/Wii U, annoying as it is.
Yeah, Switch is region free, thank god - I've got Japanese, Korean, and European game cards and would probably have had to buy a new Switch to be able to play everything I own. Or maybe I would have only used the eshop to buy games if that cricumvented it.