this post was submitted on 21 Mar 2025
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Are you playing Fates on an actual 3DS or emulator? I played Awakening and Engage, but missed out the in-between entries. I do actually have a copy of Fates in the house, but it's in Japanese, so I can't play it (my wife is a huge FE fan).
I actually played Engage this weekend - but I'm on the last chapter (I think) and hadn't played it for months, so I'd forgotten what I was doing and had to use the time crystal every turn. It was just really frustrating and felt stupid to "cheat" my way through it, so I gave up.
I'm playing on an actual 3DS. Conquest is the last FE game I have yet to finish on it (I played Birthright before this). If I ever want to play Revelations I'd have to emulate or otherwise sail the high seas since the 3DS eShop is dead. My own 3DS is actually Japanese but I modded it to region unlock it.
Huh, that's unusual. Region locking was a really annoying thing, and I'm glad Nintendo have moved on from it. We had the Japanese 3DS only for FE fates, but also a PAL 3DS that we left behind somewhere when moving house :(
Never had reason to check, is the Switch region-unlocked/region-free? That's cool if true. But given that the DS was a pirate's dream machine partially due to it being region-free I can see why Nintendo locked down the Wii/3DS/Wii U, annoying as it is.
Yeah, Switch is region free, thank god - I've got Japanese, Korean, and European game cards and would probably have had to buy a new Switch to be able to play everything I own. Or maybe I would have only used the eshop to buy games if that cricumvented it.