A YouTube prankster who was shot by one his targets told jurors Tuesday he had no inkling he had scared or angered the man who fired on him as the prank was recorded.
Tanner Cook, whose “Classified Goons” channel on YouTube has more than 55,000 subscribers, testified nonchalantly about the shooting at start of the trial for 31-year-old Alan Colie, who's charged with aggravated malicious wounding and two firearms counts.
The April 2 shooting at the food court in Dulles Town Center, about 45 minutes west of Washington, D.C., set off a panic as shoppers fled what they feared to be a mass shooting.
Jurors also saw video of the shooting, recorded by Cook's associates. The two interacted for less than 30 seconds. Video shows Cook approaching Colie, a DoorDash driver, as he picked up an order. The 6-foot-5 (1.95-meter-tall) Cook looms over Colie while holding a cellphone about 6 inches (15 centimeters) from Colie's face. The phone broadcasts the phrase “Hey dips—-, quit thinking about my twinkle” multiple times through a Google Translate app.
On the video, Colie says “stop” three different times and tries to back away from Cook, who continues to advance. Colie tries to knock the phone away from his face before pulling out a gun and shooting Cook in the lower left chest.
Cook, 21, testified Tuesday that he tries to confuse the targets of his pranks for the amusement of his online audience. He said he doesn't seek to elicit fear or anger, but acknowledged his targets often react that way.
Asked why he didn't stop the prank despite Colie's repeated requests, Cook said he “almost did” but not because he sensed fear or anger from Colie. He said Colie simply wasn't exhibiting the type of reaction Cook was looking for.
“There was no reaction,” Cook said.
In opening statements, prosecutors urged jurors to set aside the off-putting nature of Cook's pranks.
“It was stupid. It was silly. And you may even think it was offensive,” prosecutor Pamela Jones said. “But that's all it was — a cellphone in the ear that got Tanner shot.”
Defense attorney Tabatha Blake said her client didn't have the benefit of knowing he was a prank victim when he was confronted with Cook's confusing behavior.
She said the prosecution's account of the incident “diminishes how unsettling they were to Mr. Alan Colie at the time they occurred.”
In the video, before the encounter with Colie, Cook and his friends can be heard workshopping the phrase they want to play on the phone. One of the friends urges that it be “short, weird and awkward.”
Cook's “Classified Goons” channel is replete with repellent stunts, like pretending to vomit on Uber drivers and following unsuspecting customers through department stores. At a preliminary hearing, sheriff's deputies testified that they were well aware of Cook and have received calls about previous stunts. Cook acknowledged during cross-examination Tuesday that mall security had tossed him out the day prior to the shooting as he tried to record pranks and that he was trying to avoid security the day he targeted Colie.
Jury selection took an entire day Monday, largely because of publicity the case received in the area. At least one juror said during the selection process that she herself had been a victim of one of Cook's videos.
Cook said he continues to make the videos and earns $2,000 or $3,000 a month. His subscriber base increased from 39,000 before the shooting to 55,000 after.
I'm not a proponent of violence, but I think these dipshits need to get their asses beaten every time they do that shit. Maybe, if more of them got beaten or shot, then they would stop being ass fucks.
I shouldn't have to be forced to figure out whether someone is a crazy, drug induced murderer, or just some stupid "prankster" every time I go out in public. Rule number 1 in a society is "don't fuck with strangers".
“Live and let live” are words I live by yet I see the vast majority of people don’t, and the worst of us get fame and money out of it. Humanity sucks.
Here's a TikTok prankster trying his "prank" on a professional UFC fighter and his trainer.
I’m not really interested in taking a side here, but if you can’t at least recognize the cognitive dissonance in this statement, there’s nothing anybody can say to you.
Hey, this is skirting pretty close to actually being a proponent of violence. Yeah, we all hate internet pranksters who annoy people for views, but that's not a crime that deserves a death sentence.
The dumbass didn't die. Shoving a phone that's playing some dumbass confusing phrase, 6 inches from someone's face, who is just trying to do his job, is assault. Most counties allow you to defend yourself if someone is assaulting you. Most states provide worker protections that provide extra penalties for harassing or assaulting employees. But I guess Uber Eats drivers don't get those protections since they're technically not employees. Weeee.
You're right, he didn't die. But if "more of them got beaten or shot" someone would. There has to be a better way to force asshole pranksters to stop besides shooting them.
Look, I'm not defending this idiot, he makes a living out of being a complete wanker to strangers, and this was a predictable outcome. I just don't wish him dead for it. Much rather see him taken to court and deprived of his ability to make a living doing this shit.
This has come up a lot for me when talking to Americans about murder via gun. They (in these instances) have asked me things like "so someone breaks into your house and takes your TV, you just let them?" And they seem apoplectic when I say "yes, and I phone the cops."
There's a cultural inclination towards shooting people for crime, regardless of severity.
As an American... yeah, we're kinda fucked up that way. No TV is worth someone's life.
The difference here is this isn't someone stealing a TV, and this isn't someone being shot / almost killed just for a prank. You have the order of operations and perspective wrong. Colie and what he intended literally doesn't matter.
What matters is this was someone who felt threatened by a 6'5" menace who approached him, engaged him in an aggressive manner, who didn't stop when asked, and who continued to pursue when backed away from. Result: the threatened person did what they needed to eliminate the threat. If they intended to kill they could have shot again, but didn't. If they didn't have a gun they would have been equally justified in beating the shit out of the attacker until they felt safe. How easy that might be for most of the "prank" victims against a 6'5" male is an open question.
Someone stealing my TV isn't a direct threat, and so no of course I wouldn't shot them for that. Take the TV and leave. But that's a false narrative. It isn't someone stealing my TV. It's someone who has broken into my house, is in the act of committing a crime, and who I have no idea how they are going to react now that they've been caught. They may very well see me as a juicier target. And for that reason I would feel the need to neutralize the threat by whatever means necessary.
For the record, I do NOT own a gun, and I do believe in gun control. So let's not bring up any gun-fetish/revenge-fantasy retorts. I'm not saying there aren't people that have those, but right here right now they are a distraction from an honest assessment of what is going on when a person feels legitimately threatened to a "reasonable person" standard. Also, no, someone turning around in my driveway isn't a reasonable reason to feel threatened either.
You can drop the "not a proponent of violence" charade.
You can think that violence is abhorrent and also understand that it might be the quickest, simplest way to settle a matter. Adults can think two things at once. Crazy, I know.
The latter implies being a proponent. Let's not move goal posts because we think we're the "good guy". Hint: you're not.
Airtight logic, bud
Pull your head out of your ass
"Violence is abhorrent, except when it's against people I don't like", got it.
That's not what he said.
That's actually exactly what was said. I don't condone violence except when I condone violence based on my definition of when I condone violence.
And you're all lapping it up. Bravo.
Edit: and for the record my original comment didn't even criticize the latter part (the condition or when its condoned). What I am very loudly questioning is the opening statement. Violence is being condoned. The OP is a proponent of violence. Just own it. Don't be pussies.
Try the second paragraph again
Correction, when it's against others willing to commit violence, it's often the only answer.
Example: Neville Chamberlain, and Winston Churchill
Nah. You can be anti-violence, pro-violence, or understand that violence is acceptable only as a means to achieving a desired result, oftentimes as a last resort.
Both the first and third options are not proponents of violence, but the third understands it is a necessity to achieve their goals at times. This is literally heavily discussed now as fascists try to paint anti-fascists as the violent ones when anti-fascists merely understand violence as the means to a goal in this case and not their normal path to a goal.
americans are so scared, shoot first and think later
Yeah, we live in a scary country. It's not unfounded.
Whenever I'm in America I have to remind myself that it's possible that people around me have guns in public. Scary country indeed.
I find it really interesting how quick Americans are to shoot. Like any minor inconvenience and you all justify shooting and killing someone. I understand self-defense, but shooting someone for something like this I find it so ridiculous. Especially when seeing comments in other news like the guy who killed a black guy for knocking on his door, or the guy who shot teenagers who were at the wrong house, then it's all "we have such a gun problem" but here it's a circlejerk of "he was coming at him WITH A PHONE and was TALLER THAN HIM, what was he supposed to do, NOT SHOOT HIM??"
I'm not taking about the news, I'm talking about the comments. the guy above said that America is a scary county. I'm talking about how when something like this happens ppl justify shooting instead of less deadly use of self defense.
good points, it's really weird as nonamerican seeing so many comments and upvotes from people justifying shooting someone just because they felt a bit threatened. Comments saying that less deadly use of force are met with downvotes.
And I'm not sure why you're coming at me for, I very clearly wrote that comments in this post are really pro use of deadly self defense, and how they try to justify it
While I agree with a lot of what you’ve said, I take issue with this point:
I work with a lot of suicide survivors and I can tell you for a fact that a lot of people (I’d argue the vast majority) who attempt suicide but survive are not guaranteed to die by suicide later. Oftentimes an attempted suicide is in reaction to an event or circumstances, and once those are resolved the suicidality abates. Removing guns from the equation reduces the chances of completing a suicide, and therefore increases the chances of a suicidal person receiving the mental health care they need after an attempt.
okay, i was with you for the first couple of paragraphs. but it's worth pointing out
a) people with access to guns are significantly more likely to find success in suicide attempts, and reducing access to lethal means does make a difference.
b) even big cities are, on the whole, safer than a lot of people imagine. i say this as an american in a massive city, in a state with very liberal gun laws. but when you have millions of people in one place, statistically speaking you are going to have more crime. i don't think most american cities are some kind of purge-like shithole, they're mostly comprised of ordinary people doing their thing.
edit - formatting, spelling
that we're talking about suicidal people is not irrelevant in considering that guns contribute to elevated rates of death. most people who make a suicide attempt do so within a relatively short time of the impulse to act. the accessibility of something which is likely to be very effective and quick in enabling them to complete the act with lower likelihood that they will be able to seek help if they have second thoughts means more success for those attempts. and while i'm not necessarily a "ban all guns" type it's worth understanding that guns contribute measurably to mortality in this way.
as for rest, i'm a big fan of nuance, but data can illuminate our understanding of complex issues and things we might keep in mind when looking for solutions.
edit - a typo
you're putting words in my mouth. i didn't say i am fully pro- or anti-gun (much less fully pro- or anti-alcohol). i was challenging your comment that suicides can be disregarded when examining lethality in connection to gun access.
yes, the tool matters.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34953923/ "Results: Of 10,708 studies screened, 34 studies were included in the meta-analysis. Based on the suicide acts that resulted in death or hospitalization, firearms were found to be the most lethal method (CFR:89.7%), followed by hanging/suffocation (84.5%), drowning (80.4%), gas poisoning (56.6%), jumping (46.7%), drug/liquid poisoning (8.0%) and cutting (4.0%). The rank of the lethality for different methods remained relatively stable across study setting, sex and age group. Method-specific CFRs for males and females were similar for most suicide methods, while method-CFRs were specifically higher in older adults."
yes, we have a sense of what contributes to more or less successful suicide attempts. (lethal means being a big one). we can study what leads to suicide and to successful versus non-successful attempts by studying not only those who died, but those who attempted and survived, as well as those who are actively suicidal but who ultimately don't act.
when i speak of impulse, i'm referencing the moment of decision. people can have suicidal ideation for a long time without choosing to act, as you implied - some people face depression for decades. but some just lost everything in a bad business decision or a freak accident. either one may act, and if they act with a gun they are more likely to end up dead than if they take a long drive to the nearest high bridge and walk out onto it.
i'm willing to talk about mental health. i work in mental health professionally.
this particular slippery slope argument is ridiculous to me. no, i don't think considering suicide-by-gun a part of a larger conversation about gun lethality means i'm going to lose my driver's license.
to be clear, my only agenda in this conversation was pointing out that widespread access to firearms does, in fact, contribute to more deaths (via suicide) than there would be otherwise, even considering that other means of suicide would remain without gun access. that's it. whatever agenda you're on? well, i don't think you're much interested in considering data, so i will leave it there.
@sholomo @Lightor I think you're wrong but It's an interesting argument. Why is this shooting seen by many as more reasonable than the guy who show the kid knocking on his door. For my money it's the justifiable confusion. A kid knocks on your door and your first response is to shoot doesn't make sense. You had room and barriers to make decisions. In this case the dude was in his face and wouldn't back off. IMO they're incomparably different. But yeah guns are a problem in both cases.
it's true that the events are not truly comparable, but this also happened in a food court where there's people around, not in a dark alley
@sholomo That's a perfectly fair point. Now while I do not support how he reacted and it's one of the many reasons, I don't think people should be allowed to have guns willy-nilly, I will maintain that. There is a huge difference between something unexpected showing up in your doorstep and a man intensely yelling at you in your personal space. Extremely close doing things you are not able to comprehend who refuses to back away after repeated attempts to step back.
@sholomo in my opinion his reaction was correct. It's his owning a gun that was wrong. The problem is when you have a gun you're supposed to use it. And I mean that in the prescriptive sense, not a descriptive sense. There's no point in having a gun and then still resorting to fists. If you're in danger and you do not know what's going on, you reach for the strongest weapon you have around you and you use it to defend yourself. Govt should prevent that weapon frm being 2 deadly. Guns r 2 deadly.
oh yeah I agree that the YouTuber was stupid as fuck, the other guy was on his right to defend himself, but yeah a gun is too deadly for the situation
Let's not paint a massive country with a single brush stroke. Not everyone is shooting everyone over getting cut in line.